Page 14 of Trigger's Forever

Her beautiful face turns my way as I push up from the table. The small smile that lifts the right side of her lips has me sitting back down as she turns towards the stairs.

“How’s she doing?” Tank asks after we hear the soft click of her door closing upstairs.

I scoff. “You’d know better than me. You live with her. I just bring her lunch everyday and listen to her silence. I text her at least fifty times a day. I just want to know what to do to make this easier for her.” My elbows thunk on the wooden table as I drop my head into my hands.

The chair Pebbles just sat in scrapes against the hardwood as Tank drags it away from the table. The wood creaks in protest of his weight as he sits. “I think you’re doing a pretty good job of it already.”

“What? By bringing her lunch and bossing her around through text?”

Tank chuckles. “By making her not have to think.” He drops one hand on his outstretched knee, rubbing his beard with the other in thought. “You’ve taken care of every little detail for her and made it where she doesn’t have to worry about the small things.”

“But is that even helping?”

“I’d say it is.”

Tank remains sitting at his dining room table with me as so many thoughts and memories begin to bombard my mind.

The Pebbles I met years ago was a free spirit. You couldn’t get that girl to stay in the same place for five minutes. Back then, I never saw her as anything other than a former brother’s daughter.

When her dad died of a stroke five years ago, some of that light in her eyes went out. I watched from afar as she slowly made her way back to herself. We all did.

I know her dad dying and her being raped are two completely different things, but from an outsider’s prospective, she seems to be responding the same way.

After her dad died, the only person she would talk to was Maria. She locked herself in her apartment and refused to come out for weeks. Maria delivered groceries, and one of us always made it to her landlord's office to drop off her rent. Thank fuck she didn’t live with her bitch of a mother who took off the second Triton was lowered into the ground.

Robin didn’t even bother to follow through with the house Triton bought for them years ago. Luckily, the club figured out a way to gain possession of it. I’m not sure what the hell Bones did, but he somehow got it.

I pull out my phone and send Pebbles a text just before I leave.

Take a nap, you must be tired after today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Leaving her at my brother’s house is getting harder and harder everyday. If it was safe for her or the babies, and I wasn’t afraid of sending her into a spiral, I would throw her in the back of the new SUV I bought for her and take her home.

All I want is my Red back.

Like I said before, obsession.




I’m patrolling the club, looking for my next victim when the warmth from a large, calloused hand settles at my lower back.

Trigger bends down and puts his lips at my ear to speak over the loud music as Diamond works the stage during her set. “Hey, you seen Ghost?” he asks as goosebumps spread across my body. I shiver at the weird response his deep voice evokes in me.

I shake my head, turning my body to his. I’ve never responded this way to Trigger, or any of the guys from the club for that matter. Usually I stay the hell away from anyone that’s main mode of transportation is a motorcycle.

You call it daddy issues, I call it knowing what I want.

Heat slowly crawls its way up my neck as Trigger’s eyes slowly lower down my body. A smirk pulls at his full lips as his gaze locks on the new nipple tassels I just got in the mail. They are in the shape of motorcycles with black tassels protruding from the middle. “Those are new.”

“How would you know?” I smirk. “Do you often look at my nipples, Trigger?”

An urge to throw all hell to the wind overtakes me as I take another step closer to him. My eight inch heels bring me just an inch shorter than his six foot three.

He smirks, looking out at the club over my shoulder before bringing his honey eyes back to mine. “Touché.”