Page 116 of Trigger's Forever

“I’m trying!” Pebbles screams.

The elevator dings and the nurse audibly exhales in relief, rushing out as soon as the doors open. There are two nurses standing at the end of the hall as I race forward with the wheelchair.

“What’s going on?” the blonde nurse asks calmly, pointing us in the direction of an open room.

“Her water broke about an hour and a half ago. She’s about 36 weeks pregnant with twins.”

The blonde nurse stops and grabs the phone on the wall inside the room. “We have twins in here. I need backup.” She hangs the phone up and turns to us. “Who is your doctor, mom?”

“Dr.– ahh– Murphy!” Pebbles squeezes the fuck out of my hand again before moving from the wheelchair to the bed. She turns to the nurse and winces. “These babies are about to fucking come out of me.”

“Do you mind if I check? See what’s going on?”

“Be my guest. Please just get these kids out, and make this fucking pain stop,” Pebbles groans.

Nausea wells up in my stomach as I watch the nurse move Pebbles’s costume out of the way.

“Alright, Khaleesi, Drogo. Are you ready to have some baby dragons?” the nurse asks smiles widely at us both.

Pebbles forces out a laugh and then screams. As soon as the contraction passes, she looks at the nurse. “That was funny, but this fucking hurts. How much longer?”

The nurse snaps her gloves off and presses a button on the bed next to Pebbles. “Very soon, you only have one more centimeter to go. But because you’re having twins we have to make sure both babies are head down so you can push them out.”

“Holy fuck! I didn’t even think about that!” Pebbles screams just as Maria comes through the door. When Pebbles sees her, she starts sobbing. “I don’t want to be cut open like a salmon!”

“A salmon?” I say, confused.

Pebbles turns a glare my way and points a finger at me. “You did this to me! Now they are going to splay me open like some dissection project!”

Another person in scrubs comes rolling in the door. She looks vaguely familiar and then as soon as she says her name I recognize her. “Hi! I’m Summer, I’m just going to check the position of your babies really quickly!”

“I remember you!” Pebbles says with a smile. “You were the first person to show me my babies.”

I’m shocked as hell that she remembers Summer, especially with the state of distress she was in when we brought her to the hospital that night.

“I remember you too,” Summer smiles gently at Pebbles as she rolls her large machine over.

Pebbles lets out another scream as the nurse and Summer work to get her costume off. The nurse quickly covers her with a hospital gown while giving access to Summer.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief as Dr. Murphy walks through the door.

“Well hello, guys!”

Pebbles starts sobbing again as Dr. Murphy stops next to her bed, taking her hands. “I’m so happy you’re here. Please don’t leave me,” she begs the doctor.

Dr. Murphy chuckles. I feel fucking helpless as I stand here and watch everything going on around me. I’m standing right at Pebbles’s head while the doctor holds one hand and Summer does an ultrasound. Pebbles continues to scream throughout each contraction, even though everyone keeps telling her to breathe instead of scream. I’m keep my fucking mouth shut, though. I don’t need her pissed at me for any other reason than I’m the one that knocked her up, therefore making me the one that is causing the pain.

“Good news, Heather. Both babies are head down!” Dr. Murphy says excitedly.

“Oh, babygirl, that is amazing!” Maria gushes.

Summer leaves the room, wishing us good luck and congrats as two nurses hook Pebbles up to all different types of monitors and tubes. Someone puts me on a stool and I’m thankful. I’m so overwhelmed that I don’t even know who the fuck did it. Feeling completely helpless, I do my best to support my woman by letting her break every one of my goddamn fingers as she squeezes through each contraction.

Dr. Murphy leaves the room and then eventually comes back, examines Pebbles, and tells us it’s baby time. As soon as those words leave her mouth, I swear to God, it becomes a circus in here. More people in scrubs come rushing in and set up another baby crib.

The nurses spread Pebbles legs and put them up in high stirrups as Dr. Murphy sets up. I’m watching everything happen around us and trying not to freak out like a fucking pussy.

“Jamie?” Pebbles small voice croaks.