Page 67 of Trigger's Forever

I let out a loud sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Someone damaged the Bel Air last night.”

“What do you mean by ‘damaged?’”

I pull my phone out of my pocket and open the photos app, handing it to her.

Her sharp gasp has me nodding, solemnly. “Yeah, fucked up, right?”

“Jamie, oh my God! Who would have done this?”

Even when I’m pissed the hell off, her use of my real name softens something in my gut to a level that makes me feel like a straight up pussy. “I have no fucking clue. But I’m gonna find out.”

“Do you still want to go to breakfast? I would understand if you need to deal with that. I can just meet you at Dr. Murphy’s,” she says, sweetly.

I shake my head before she can even finish her sentence. “No, Ghost is taking care of it. I’m all yours for the day.”

She smiles shyly and reaches across her chest to buckle up. When she’s secured, I throw the car in reverse and start the half hour trek into the city.

Around forty five minutes later, we’re sitting in a little cafe down the street from the medical building. I let all the frustrations about the car go and listen to Pebbles as she talks animatedly about more plans she has for the studio. She tells me all about the girl she hired from Winnie’s meddling.

I think I’ve barely gotten two words in, but I’m just happy to fucking be here, listening to her talk like a damn lovesick fool. I’m as giddy as a pig in shit that she’s even talking again, period.

Her chatter continues through the entirety of breakfast and when we’re done, we decide to walk the short distance to her appointment.

Now sitting in Dr. Murphy’s office, my hands are sweating. Pebbles is laying on the exam table with a maroon fabric cloth draped over her legs.

“Are you nervous?” Pebbles asks quietly as she stares at something on the ceiling.

“Fucking terrified.”

Pebbles giggles, turning her head to me. I’m shocked as shit when she reaches her hand out for mine. She smiles when I take it, kissing each knuckle. My heart threatens to fall the fuck out of my chest when she giggles as my facial hair tickles her knuckles.

A knock at the door interrupts our moment, and Dr. Murphy comes bouncing in.

“Are we ready to see what these babies are?” She asks excitedly.

Pebbles laughs nervously. “Yes, we’re both really nervous.”

“Hey,” I say with a quiver in my voice as I squeeze her hand, “we just want them to be healthy, right?”

Pebbles nods her head swiftly and a tear leaks out the side of her eye. I use my thumb to wipe it away and then turn to see Dr. Murphy smiling at the two of us.

“Let’s see these babies!” Dr. Murphy says, rolling her stool right next to Pebbles and situating the ultrasound machine. The lights dim in the room and Pebbles squeezes my hand as Dr. Murphy settles the probe against her smooth belly.

I still can’t believe that we’re having fucking twins. A baby in general, but twins? What the fuck.

Dr. Murphy smiles as the large tv screen settles on an outline of a baby.

“Wow! They look so much more like babies now!” Pebbles says, eagerly.

Dr. Murphy laughs, typing things on her screen as she takes measurements of the first baby. “Well, you are seventeen weeks along today.”

“That is amazing,” Pebbles says, staring at the screen in awe.

“Are you guys ready to see what baby A is?” Dr. Murphy asks. I bite down on my lip as she moves the wand to settle on the baby's legs, and if I’m not mistaken, there was definitely something between that baby's legs. What the hell do I know though? I don’t know how to read these damn things.

Dr. Murphy smiles real wide and then types on the screen.

Baby A is a boy!