“It’s so nice to meet you!”
I smile at her excitement. “It’s nice to meet you, too. Do you want to come back to my office and chat?” I nod my head back to the hallway in the direction of my office.
She bobs her head up and down, smiling widely. “Yes!”
I chuckle, pushing up off the soft stool. “Follow me.”
Clara follows me down the hall and I point into each of the classrooms, stopping for a minute so she can take a peek inside. I explain to her that my family built this as a gift to me and that’s why I don’t really have anything lined up as far as teachers and students quite yet.
Once we reach my office, she takes a seat in the shaggy white chair in front of my desk while I take the larger chair behind it.
“So,” she chimes and claps her hands, resting them in her lap, “Where do you want to start?”
I smile, reaching forward to grab the manilla folder that contains a few things I printed earlier. “I hope you don’t mind, but my friend Winnie gave me all of your information, and I may have done a little digging. I think you are qualified on paper, but I really want to see you dance. I’m also going to be hosting an open house and inviting a ton of kids and families. We will be hosting some free classes at the open house as well, and I’m really going to base everything off of how you do then.”
“When are you thinking of doing it?” Clara asks.
“Next weekend. I’ve already posted about it and have gotten quite a lot of feedback. I’m expecting a great turn out. Now, I know you are in college as well. I assume for dance?”
Clara nods her head. “I’m also taking business management. I know dancing will only get me so far.”
“That is exactly what I did, except I earned my business degree online.”
Clara smiles, reading over the flier I handed her about the things I am hoping to be able to offer.
“How many teachers are you wanting to have?” Clara looks up from the paper, waiting for my response.
“Well, I know it’s hard to tell in this shirt, but I’m about four and a half months pregnant with twins, so I’m not entirely too sure how long I will be able to teach before they come. If you have any friends or know of anyone looking to teach with experience, I am all open.”
Clara’s eyes light up when I mention that I’m pregnant and she excitedly claps her hands in her lap “That is so amazing! Congratulations!”
I smile at her genuineness. “Thank you. Do you want to go into one of the studios and show me what you got?”
I follow Clara into the first studio. She has a duffel bag with her, which she drops on the floor. Bending at the waist she pulls a few different pairs of shoes out.
“I figured you would want to see a little bit of everything?”
I nod my head at her, walking over to the control panel on the wall to set the music. “What do you want to start with?”
“Let’s start with tap.”
I select a song and wait for her to finish lacing her shoes up before pressing play.
I love the idea of just free dancing to show someone what true talent you have. A well rounded dancer should be able to dance to just about any music that comes on.
A smile takes over my face as I watch her dance. I don’t even need to watch her do anything else just based on this one dance, but when the song ends, she changes her shoes and continues to show me that she can do any style I throw at her. The icing on the cake comes at the end when she breaks out and flawlessly executes different acrobatic moves, which is something I sure as hell will not be able to do or teach while I’m pregnant.
“You’re hired,” I say as soon as she has both of her feet flat on the ground again.
Clara squeals in excitement, and her giddiness rubs off on me as she runs at me, wrapping her arms around my waist.
“Thank you so much! I promise I will not disappoint you!”
“You’re so welcome! Based on what you just showed me, we should have no issues.”