Page 45 of Trigger's Forever

When she once again makes her way to her office, I chuckle as she drops down into the purple office chair. I know the damn thing is comfortable because I personally tested it out.

I sit in the small chair across the desk from her and hand her the envelope Tank gave me before he left. “You can open it now, or you can wait til you get home. If you want to wait, I’ll hang onto it for you.”

“I want to open it now,” she says, holding her greedy hands out in front of her.

I grin, handing the thick package across the desk to her.

I watch her expression as she pulls open the prongs on one side, dumping the contents out on the table in front of her. She looks at it in confusion until her eyes rake over the words and the picture at the bottom of the page.

“What the hell–” she gasps, then trails off.

Her eyes zoom over the pages in front of her, flipping frantically through every one.

“Does this mean–?” she begins, but can’t bring herself to finish.

“It’s all yours, babe.”

Normally heads would be rolling over the amount of tears Red has cried today, but I know for a fact that, especially right now, they have all been happy.

“This is mine?” She turns the front page around and points to the picture of her childhood home.

I nod at her with a big smile on my face.

“But how?” She shakes her head, obviously not believing me.

“After your dad passed, Bones didn’t want your mom to be able to get her hands on the house. He took it upon himself to buy it with the club’s money. Up until a week ago, the club owned the house. We voted on it in church a few weeks ago. It’s yours, babe. This is where you belong, raising our kids.”

She shakes her head in disbelief, and tears tumble down her cheeks one after another. “I can’t believe this.”

I reach across the desk and flip through the pictures of the freshly remodeled house on each page. I point to the picture of the kitchen. “This is where you belong, making our kids’ bottles in the middle of the night.” I flip to another page showing her childhood room that sits empty, waiting to be turned into a nursery. “This is where I want to read our kids stories and tuck them into bed.”

I finally flip to the page that has the master bedroom on it and stab the paper, my finger landing in a thud on the wooden desk. “This is where I want to go to sleep next to you for the rest of my life, holding you next to me.”

Pebbles squeezes her eyes shut, holding the extra papers showing her ownership of the dance studio to her chest.

“I can’t… I can’t talk about that yet, Trigger.”

I rear back, confused and hurt. “You can’t talk about what?”

“About us,” her voice croaks over her tears. “This is all just so much.”

I shake my head, gathering up all the papers on her desk into a pile. “We don’t have to talk about anything, babe. We all just wanted to show you where you belong and how much you deserve all of this.”

I reach to the side of the desk, plucking a tissue out of the fancy ass holder Lilah must have bought and hand it to her.

She takes it from me, handing me the other papers before cleaning up her face and blowing her nose.

When Pebbles eyes come back to me, I push up from my chair and slide the papers back into the safety of the envelope. “I don’t want you to say anything but I want you to listen to me.”

I make my hands into fists, resting them against the desk as I lean down to look into her eyes. “Nothing in this entire world means more to me than you and those babies that we made together. We may not have made them conventionally, but I want you and them more than you will ever fucking know. It doesn’t matter how long it takes or how we get there, but know this Pebbles– one day, youwillbe mine. You will have my name, you will sleep next to me every single night, and I will love you and those babies for the rest of my fucking life.” I take a deep breath, and even though I can tell she’s freaking out on the inside, her teary gaze remains locked with mine.

“I love you more than anything, Heather. You may not believe me, and that’s fine, but I will continue to show you every damn day until you do. You get me?”

She breaks eye contact and her head moves in the smallest nod and I tap my knuckles against her desk. “Good girl.”

I take a step back, holding the envelope against my stomach and wait for her to process everything I’ve just said to her.

“Tomorrow after I bring you lunch, do you want to go by the house and see everything the guys have done to it over the years?”