Page 42 of Trigger's Forever

“Believe it. It’s all yours, babe.”

She turns to me, smiling from ear to ear, and I know that we’ve done right by her.

“Do you want to see the rest?” I ask, feeling as impatient as a kid on Christmas morning.

“There’s more?” she asks, excitedly.

I chuckle. “Follow me,” I say, reaching for her hand as I lead the way.

I show her the next three rooms where each glass door has a large bejeweled number labeling it. When we get to the end of the hallway, she looks to the black door in confusion.

“I have a feeling this is going to be your biggest money maker.”

I push the door open at her puzzled expression.

She gasps with a huge smile on her face as I push the unlabeled door open, revealing all of her family and friends. She bends at the waist as a sob breaks free. I put my hand at her back and she turns into me, soaking my shirt with joy-filled tears.

* * *


Trigger opens the door, and every person I can even think of fills the free space. Tank and Maria stand to the left with Bunny and Flame. Bull stands with Winnie, and I sob even harder as I see Maggie standing with them. Lyric is the first to come over to me, pulling me out of Trigger’s arms and into her long skinny ones.

“Love you, babygirl. You deserve every single thing your man made happen for you,” Lyric beams.

I hug her back, squeezing her against me before letting her go. Trigger steps up behind me, holding onto my lower back as I see who else is here.

Ghost and more of the guys lean against the mirrored wall nursing beer bottles. Lilah smiles at me from her spot in front of Ringer, and I look at her quizzically as I notice Ringer’s arm hooked around her waist with his thumb tangled in her belt loop as he talks to her dad, Reaper. Sasha stands next to them as they talk animatedly.

Tiny and Bones are talking against one of the many poles and Bones is the first of the men to acknowledge us as he smiles widely. “Congrats, babe. Your dad would be so proud of you.”

I appreciate that he doesn’t reach out for a hug. I am normally a very affectionate person, but I don’t think I’m there just yet.

Trigger gives me a nudge of encouragement as I walk slowly around the room. Everyone says their congratulations. No one pushes me to talk, and I appreciate it and all they have done for me more than anyone will ever know. After making my rounds, I listen as Ghost and Razor explain to me how the poles can disconnect if I want to use this room for anything other than pole fitness.

I start to feel overwhelmed, so I excuse myself. I exit the room and wander back into the office Trigger showed me before.

I couldn’t have designed it better myself. I slide my sandals off, sinking my toes into the plush lilac carpet. I’m pretty sure I have that exact wallpaper saved on one of my inspiration boards online.

I smile, thinking about all of the time and effort it must have taken everyone to do this for me. More tears trickle down my cheeks as the thought of my dad pops into my head. If he knew I wanted my own dance studio, he would have done every single thing possible to make it happen. Although he isn’t here anymore, this group of people he was a part of and cared so much about made my dream come true for me on his behalf. My heart is so full I fear it’s going to burst.

A soft knock against the door has me pulling out of my memories and coming face to face with Bunny.

I wipe my cheeks and smile at her. “Hi.”

She comes into the office, shutting the door softly behind her. “Hi.”

“I’m so sorry,” we both say in unison before laughing.

“I am so sorry,” Bunny says, tears gathering on her lower lids.

I shake my head, biting my lip to prevent more tears from falling. “It’s not your fault.”

“If I never would’ve come here–”

“Stop,” I interject, shaking my head. “Don’t even say that. You belong here, Bunny.”

She smiles painfully. “I actually go by Brenna now.”