Page 41 of Trigger's Forever

I stand behind her against the glass door and look around with pride at our hard work. What started out as an old print shop just five months ago has been transformed into her dream studio.

Her feet pad against the shiny white and purple marble floor. Her laugh hits me straight in the gut as she notices the glitter in the grout. She spins in circles in the vast entryway. Tiptoeing over to the front desk, she runs her fingertips against the glossy countertops. She even picks up the office-style corded phone, bringing it to her ear and gasps while holding her chest when she hears the ringback tone before putting it back in the holder.

To the left of the door, across from the front desk, are four 45 inch TVs mounted. They are mounted to the wall and show into each classroom from a live camera feed that Tiny installed. The wall is surrounded by purple comfortable couches and chairs where parents can sit and wait while their children are in class and even watch them on the TVs if they want. The only room that doesn’t have a TV attached to the camera is the pole room. Tiny still put a camera in there for security purposes, but Pebbles and him will be the only ones that are able to access it.

Pebbles' intake of breath has me turning to her. She cries as she notices Ghost’s little project for her. He got into her parents storage unit and retrieved every single one of her awards and trophies from growing up. They are now on display on the wall catty-corner to the TVs.

She spins and shoots me an accusatory glance. “Who did all this?”

I frown before changing my face to a smile. “We all did.”

“I don’t even know what to say,” she says shortly, and I’m unsure how to read her feelings toward the studio thus far.

“Follow me.” I take her by the hand and first show her the bathrooms since they are the closest thing. She cracks up as she touches the glitter covering the walls.

“Did Ghost decide on the paint colors?”

I throw my head back in laughter, nodding at her as she backs out of the bathroom and follows me to the hallway holding the classrooms.

Her eyes light up and she squeals as she takes off in a sprint into the first classroom. I watch in awe as she spins around on the professional floors and runs her hand along the entire barre installed against the mirrors.

I walk over to the control panel, flipping a switch and causing the music to boom through the surround sound.

The excitement on her face right now as she dances in her sandals across the room makes up for every bit of frustration I’ve had while building this place for her.

I let her finish dancing, leaning against the wall on the other side of the room and watching her, my chest filled with pride.

This entire time, I haven’t cared at all whether we’ll have boys or girls, but as I stand here watching her dance so beautifully, I suddenly crave a red-headed baby girl dancing behind her mama. My heart strains at the thought of Pebbles teaching her every single move and leap and turn that she knows.

It also doesn't escape me that I’ve never seen Pebbles trulydancethe way she loves to dance. I’ve only ever seen her dance at the club. Even then, it wasn’t like she was dancing for fun. She was dancing the way men wanted her to dance. That dancing is fucking sexy and it makes my dick hard to watch her shake her ass and grind her body so perfectly. But this? Watching her spin her body and leap across the floor has a lump formed in my throat. She dances sobeautifully.So effortlessly. So magically.

She lands one of her jumps on the floor and as soon as the song stops and goes to turn to the next one she turns towards me, taking off in a full blown run and I brace myself as she jumps into my arms.

“Thank you,” she chokes on a sob.

I hold her in my arms as she cries against my chest. She wraps her legs around me and I’m thankful her belly is still little so I can hold her safely and easily against me. I make my way out of the classroom and open the door for her office. I hold onto her shaking back as I settle on the soft couch Ghost finally brought in today.

“Thank you so much.”

“You deserve this, Red,” I say, rubbing my palms against her back, comforting her.

“I’m so sorry,” she sobs, pulling away from me. I run my thumbs under her eyes to wipe away her tears, looking at her with confusion.

“What the hell do you have to be sorry for?” I hold her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes.

Pebbles sniffles and rubs her hand against her nose. “I’ve treated you so badly since everything happened, and you’ve been nothing but wonderful to me.”

“Babe, you have absolutely no reason to apologize to me. Nothing is your fault. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

She lays her forehead against my shoulder once again before pushing against my chest.

I help her get up from the couch. As soon as we’re both settled on our feet, her eyes widen as she takes in her office.

A massive white desk is centered in front of the large floral wall with a lavender office chair pushed in behind it. A computer is set up in one corner of the desk and two small chairs are tucked under the front of it. She smiles tearfully when she notices the ultrasound pictures of the twins I had framed for her. She gasps when she sees a pack and play set up in the corner of her office.

When she looks at me, I just shrug with a smile. “Just to be prepared,” I say warmly.

“I cannot believe all this,” she says, spinning around in her office.