Page 24 of Trigger's Forever

Take your vitamins. Get a good night sleep, I’ll see you for lunch tomorrow.



“It’s nice to meet you Heather. My name is Sophia,” the middle-aged woman with brown hair says in a kind tone, holding out her hand to me.

I take it in mine, instantly noticing how warm her hands are compared to my icicles. I smile softly to myself. I hope that the saying of warm hands and warm hearts remains true in her case.

She has a sweet smile that reaches her kind eyes, hidden behind red tortoise glasses. I push up off the couch as I follow her through the waiting room and back to her cozy office.

When we arrive, I smile and know I made the right decision based on the color scheme.


My kind of woman.

“I love your office,” I say and gingerly take a seat on the edge of the eggplant-purple couch.

Sophia smiles back at me, taking a seat on the white leather chair across from the couch. “Purple girls stick together.”

I laugh as I rub my purple leggings nervously.

“I may do things a little differently than other therapists. I don’t want to sit here and ask you how you feel. I want to just talk.”

I nod, focusing my eyes on her pale pink linen pants. “I can do that.”

“We need to build up a trust in each other in order for this to hopefully help you one day,” Sophia says. Leaning forward, she grabs a cup of tea from the coffee table. “We can talk about anything you like. We don’t even need to talk about what brings you to see me today. Today, let’s just get to know each other.”

“O-okay. We can do that,” I agree, nodding.

“Tell me about yourself, Heather.”

I choke over my words and clear my throat. “Well, I’m twenty-five. I used to be a dancer over at The Castle.” I shake my head back and forth. “I’ve been arealdancer my entire life, but I’ve been working as a stripper for the past few years.”

“Do you miss being a real dancer?” Sohpia asks, her brow furrowed.

“I miss it more than anything. I still incorporate a lot of that into dancing at the club though.” I smile softly. “One day, I hope to open a dance studio.”

Sophia smiles warmly, urging me to continue.

“I’ve been saving money ever since I can remember,” my smile falters as I continue, “but now I have other things I have to think about, more important things to spend that money on.”

“Like what?”

I smile, genuinely. “I’m pregnant with twins,” I manage to say before a tear leaks out of the corner of my eye. I quickly dab it away. “I used to live in a small one bedroom apartment, but right now I’m staying with some family friends. I’m going to use the money I have saved for a studio to buy me and my babies a house instead.”

Sophia smiles brightly. “That’s a wonderful goal, Heather.”

“Thank you. I hope that one day, after I’m settled and the kids have grown a bit, I’ll be able to reach that goal. For now, though, it’s on the backburner.”

“Are you still working at The Castle?”

I shake my head. “No, I haven’t worked since the incident.”

“The incident?”

Panic crawls its way up my throat and more tears threaten my vision. I close my eyes, forcing deep breaths in and out of my lungs as I focus on finding my happy place, just as Dr. Murphy taught me.