Page 22 of Trigger's Forever

Ghost nods excitedly. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was more excited about all of this than I am. There’s nothing Ghost loves more than a fucking project. The club isn’t hurting for money, and we have enough businesses to keep us going for a long damn time, but Ghost won’t quit.

“How’s her office coming?” I ask, strolling out of the back room and rounding the corner to her office.

I was making her office my personal project, but when it comes to floors, I checked the fuck out. That’s why I offered to go to the warehouse today. I will paint, drywall, move fucking walls, any of that shit before I lay flooring. Fuck that.

I step through the open doorway and a smile hits my lips as I take in the office’s brand new lilac carpet. I came to the studio in the middle of the night last week when I couldn’t sleep and painted the entire space with the lightest purple paint I could find on three walls. On the fourth, behind where her desk will go, I put a purple floral wallpaper.

The entire studio still has a long damn way to go, and every single day I get more and more pumped to show it to her.

“Fuck this is awesome,” I say with a smile, resting my hands on my hips looking around the space with Ghost.

“You did fucking good, brother. This place is gonna be sweet,” Ghost says, slapping me on the back.

Razor pops his head around the corner. “We’re finally fucking done. I don’t ever want to see purple fucking glitter again.

“What the hell else did you put glitter in?” I ask Ghost who has a childish grin on his face.

He waggles his eyebrows. “The fucking bathroom paint.”

“You glittered the bathroom?” I shake my head at Ghost.

“What? Little girls fucking love glitter.”

“You made us put it in the mens bathroom too,” Razor scoffs.

“Well,” Ghost says, shrugging his arms.

“I’m out bossman, see you tonight,” Razor says as more guys file out behind him.

“You gonna come by tonight?” Ghost asks as we make our way around the studio, cleaning up things we can save for tomorrow.

“I don’t know man. Just not the same without her there,” I wince. “I feel like I’d be cheating on her by going.”

Ghost nods his head, not judging me at all as I work through it in my head.

“Has she said anything else to you?” I ask.

“Nah. Not really.”

Ghost confided in me that she spoke to him that day he took her to her first appointment. It gutted me, but I had to remind myself that she’s known Ghost since she was a kid. He’s like a big brother to her. I know for a fact she isn’t talking to Maria or Tank, so I’m just thankful she’s even talking to anyone at this point.

“She did ask me to take her to her appointment on Thursday though,” Ghost says almost timidly.

I nod, swallowing the guilt I feel from not being at her first appointment. If only she knew why I wasn’t there, maybe she would understand, but I don’t dare bring it up to her for fear of what would happen if I talked about that piece of shit.

The guys and I have another visit with Beau next Friday to hopefully put our plan in motion. I feel like nothing inside me will settle until something is done.

“Thank you for taking her,” I say, kicking a small piece of wood under my boot.

“Of course. You’re taking her to her next one though, right?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. I’m not going to give her a choice.”

Ghost chuckles. “That’s the Trigger I know,” he says, slapping me lightly on the back.

I snicker, turning to face him. “I’m fucking trying man. It’s killing me not to just claim her and make her realize that. no matter fucking what, she’s mine.”

Ghost nods as we make our way out of the studio. “Just give her some time, bro. She’ll come around.”