Page 16 of Trigger's Forever

Once I’m up on the pole, I’m able to do a few more complicated tricks before sliding all the way down to the floor, landing in a split on the stage.

Just like he promised, Trigger is sitting front and center at the end of the stage. He winks when my gaze meets his, and I smile back playfully.

After years and years of dancing, all of my stage routines are meticulously choreographed. If any of the customers ever noticed, they’ve never said anything about it.

Once I land my split, I crawl forward, reaching behind my head to release the clasp at my neck. The mesh top slowly floats down my front and Trigger’s white teeth beam through the darkness of his full beard at the naked display of my breasts. No nipple tassels in the way this time.

The rest of this set I spend on the floor, grinding and shaking my body as I crawl along the outer ring of the stage. Money flies over my head and rough fingers slip the bills under my thong. I go out of order, purposefully avoiding Trigger.

Just as the song is about to end, I stop in front of him. My ass settles on my heels as I lean forward, grabbing a handful of his bushy beard. I gently pull it, causing him to come forward.

He chuckles, as he knows from experience what’s about to happen. Once he’s close enough, I let go of his beard and wrap my hands around the back of his head. I tangle my fingers in his long hair and bring his face to my cleavage. He slowly moves his head in a figure eight as I shake my heavy breasts back and forth, lightly hitting his cheeks.

Trigger respects the rules and doesn’t try to grab me, even though my body is begging him to, and pulls away. He chuckles as I nudge his chin with my fist and a wink.

At the last minute I lean forward, careful not to grab a hold of his cut, and fist his black hoodie underneath the leather. “Meet me upstairs in thirty minutes.”

When I pull away, Trigger’s eyebrows are raised in shock. I giggle as I crawl around, gathering all of the money on the stage and shoving it into the provided bucket.

I grab my top from the floor and look back to where Trigger was just sitting, only to find the seat empty.

I never thought the day would come. For once, I think the only thing that can settle my nerves is a biker. My body is on fire, needing release and I don’t think my B.O.B. is going to cut it this time.

If he doesn’t show up, it’ll have to do. A large part of me wants him to show up, but I’m not going to lie to myself, a small part hopes he doesn’t. Despite the urges I am feeling, I still want to keep that part of myself locked up tight.

Once backstage, I open up my locker and shove everything in my duffle bag. Even though I only live upstairs, I still bring everything I could ever need with me in a huge duffle. I unzip my boots and shove them in the bottom of my locker, replacing them with my soft cheetah print slippers.

Lyric is sitting at the vanity behind me as I dump the money bucket in the open bag.

“Hey, babe! Are you gonna hang around?” She asks cheerfully.

“Nah, I’m gonna head upstairs. Breakfast in the morning?”

Lyric nods and finishes applying her lipstick before turning on her stool. “We’re getting a new female bartender tomorrow night. Ghost gave her one of the apartments. Ryan texted that he really likes her and wants her to go to breakfast with us in the morning.”

I pull a hoodie over my naked chest, then zip up the bag, slinging it over my shoulder. “Sounds good! I’ll be there.” I lean forward to give my best friend an air kiss on her cheek.

A few of the other girls are hanging out on the couches in the back eating snacks, so I wave before leaving.

Luckily, I don’t have to walk through the club to get to my apartment upstairs. A door leading to the outside alleyway is right next to the dressing room.

Shock overtakes me as I stop short at the sight of Trigger with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning with a booted foot up against my purple door at the end of the hallway.

At what must be a baffled look on my face, Trigger pushes off the door and meets me a few steps from my door. “Didn’t think I’d actually come up?” Now that I’m in my slippers, he towers over me. Putting his forearm against the wall, he leans against it, bending slightly.

Pulling up my big girl panties, I put my hand on my hip, cocking it to the side. I use my other hand to flick my long orange-red hair over my shoulder before laying it flat against his muscular chest. “Just shocked you were brave enough to come up is all,” I tease.

“Brave enough? Huh,” he retorts, straight teeth coming out to bite his bottom lip.

I slowly lower my hand down his chest, using my long nails to my advantage as I let them drag along his front stopping right above his waistline. “Have you ever been with a redhead, Trigger?”

Pushing off the wall, he crosses his arms across his chest again as he ponders over my question. He shakes his head in exasperation while chuckling. “To be honest, no, I don’t think I have.”

I pat his arm once before stepping around him to unlock my door. When I insert the key and feel the click, I turn back to him. “Get ready for a wild ride then,” I say cooly, pushing the door open.

My bluetooth speaker is still playing music from before I left for work. When we enter my apartment, the end ofSmoke On the Waterfades asBad To the Bonecomes on. Trigger laughs.

I shrug my shoulders, walking over to the speaker. “It’s my getting ready music.”