Page 125 of Trigger's Forever

“Hey! You are not chopped liver,” Pebbles giggles and pokes me in the arm. She leans up on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. “Besides, if you think you’re chopped liver now, what are you going to be in six months?”

Flame and Ringer both turn their eyes on us and pause. “What are you saying?” Flame asks.

“Are you?” Ringer points at Pebbles stomach.

Pebbles giggles and presses her hands to her stomach, flattening the loose dress against her tiny baby bump. “We’re due at the beginning of June,” Pebbles beams.

“Congrats, guys!” Ringer shouts excitedly, causing Cade to startle.

“Holy shit. Three kids under two. That’s gonna be fucking rough,” Flame remarks and shakes his head.

Pebbles shrugs, switching Cole to her other hip. “We thought we might as well get it over with. The instant this little one is born, he’s getting snipped.”

My friends turn alarmed faces my way and both simultaneously grab their junk in sympathy.

“You guys will understand when you see your women in labor, pushing a fucking human out. I’ll take a quick snip to my sack so Pebbles never has to do that a third time.” I internally groan, remembering Pebbles in so much pain while delivering the twins.

Brenna bounds over, stopping in front of her groom and taking him by the hand. “Do you guys mind if I steal my husband?”

“You don’t have to ask permission from these fuckers, baby. You steal me whenever the hell you want.” Flame flips his middle fingers at us as he follows his bride onto the dance floor.

Pebbles turns towards the dance floor and leans her back to my front as we watch the newly married couple sway to a soft song.

“Do you regret not doing all of this?” I ask her, placing a kiss to the back of her head.

“Not at all.” She shakes her head. “I mean, this is nice and all, but I think what we did was perfect.”

I kiss the back of her head again before resting my chin on top. Cade snoozes soundly against my shoulder and Cole doesn’t look too far behind it in his mama's arms.

“Do you want to take the kids inside to Maggie so we can enjoy the rest of the reception?” I ask her as she once again readjusts Cole’s weight.

“Yeah, I can’t hold them like I used too,” she says with a pout.

I laugh at my girl as I take Cole from her and hike him up to the opposite shoulder. She follows behind me, opening the doors for me where Maggie sits on the couch with a sleeping Poppy cuddled to her chest.

“My boys!” she coos. “Let me just grab my stuff, and we will all head into the playroom.

After the fire in the kitchen, and with the new babies around, Ghost had some work done inside the clubhouse. We now have a huge room just off from the main room with all kinds of toys, a few cribs, rocking chairs, and a pull out couch.

Pebbles opens the door, and I’m careful not to make too much noise as I lay the boys down. Emery is sound asleep on the end of the couch.

Horse comes into the room behind us carrying a sleeping Poppy and puts her down in the crib next to the boys. Even at a year old, our boys are still sharing a crib. We even went as far as getting rid of the second crib in their room to give them more space to play.

Pebbles gives Maggie and then Horse a hug. “Thank you guys so much for watching them tonight.”

“Of course! You guys need to have all the fun you can before you have three little ones running around,” Horse chuckles, pulling Maggie into his side.

It was a long road, but with all of his therapy, Horse is better and stronger than he was even before his accident.

I take Pebbles by the hand and pull her back outside, which has become a full blown party in just the ten minutes we were inside. I’m thankful as fuck she left her heels at home for once, complaining about her balance while pregnant, so she doesn’t trip as I drag her to the dance floor.

I stop where Ghost has his laughing woman hauled against his chest. Pebbles laughs at him too when she notices he’s taken his tie off and tied it around his bald head. Flame and Brenna, Lilah and Ringer, and Winnie and Bull dance to the beat next to us as I enjoy the feel of my woman in my arms, pressed against me.

In my opinion, it wasn’t fair how we came to the decision to have another kid. Pebbles came downstairs in nothing but one of her old stripping outfits, motorcycle pasties covering her nipples and all. When she turned the stereo on andAmerican Womanstarted blasting through the speakers, I was done for. I would’ve given that woman anything she asked for.

With her pressed to my chest, all of our friends surrounding us, and our sleeping boys inside, I couldn’t be more thankful for what our lives have become.