Page 124 of Trigger's Forever

“Jamie, please,” I beg again.

Trigger chuckles, taking his sweet time dropping lazy kisses along my thighs. Just when I’m about to lose my ever-loving mind, he latches back on to my clit, sending me into oblivion. My body shakes with tremors from every nerve ending being on fire.

I don’t even know what’s going on outside of my own body until I feel Trigger’s large girth fill me to the brim. “Fuck!” I shout, unable to stay quiet.

“Jesus Christ, you feel so good,” Trigger groans against my neck as he pounds into me.

Sweat lines his forehead as he slams into me over and over again. The headboard knocks against the wall with each stroke. I giggle as he shoves a pillow between the wood and the wall. Lifting my leg with his forearm, I watch in satisfaction as his eyes roll to the back of his head at the new angle. “Fuck.”

“I’m going to come again,” I groan as he hits that sensitive spot inside of me again and again. “Fuck! Jamie!”

“Hang on, not yet!” He grunts.

“I can’t hold it, Jamie!”

“Not yet, dammit!”

He pounds into me one, two, three, four more times before grunting. “Now!”

On his next stroke I cover my mouth with my fist, forcing myself to be as quiet as possible. Trigger groans against my neck as his body spasms with aftershocks. “God damn, that was amazing.”

After helping me clean up with a warm washcloth, Trigger checks on the babies before settling next to me once again. Reaching across the bed, he pulls me flush with his chest and I scoff in fake annoyance as he rubs his sweaty forehead against me. He’s pulled his long hair up into a bun so I am able to see his handsome face unobstructed.

“Are you sure you want to marry me?” I ask.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire damn life, Heather,” he says, pulling at every string in my heart.

A small wail coming from one of the bassinets at the other side of the room cuts our conversation short.

Trigger chuckles as we both get out of bed. When one of them wakes up, the other usually isn’t far behind. The rest of the evening is spent getting the boys back to sleep and then cuddling in bed, with me staring at my new engagement ring in the moonlight, thinking about the future I never pictured myself having.

I never could have imagined what happened to me on that horrible day, but even on the worst day of my life, I wouldn’t change a single thing that led me to this moment.



“Amarried fucking man,” I bellow as Flame stops next to us with a shit eating grin on his face. “Welcome to the club.”

“Everyone’s dropping like fucking flies. Who knew we’d be the first three to do it, man,” Flame laughs as he knocks his beer bottle against Ringer’s.

Standing on the outskirts of the party at the clubhouse, I rake my eyes over the festivities. Pebbles and I had a small wedding ceremony in our backyard with our closest friends at the beginning of the year, neither one of us wanting to wait. Flame blames the lavish festivities of his wedding on Brenna, saying that if it were up to him, they would’ve just taken off for Vegas, but we all know his ass wanted a full wedding. Party and all.

The twins turned one a month ago, and what a hell of a first year it’s been. Between all of their firsts milestones, doctors appointments, and ER visits, we’ve been kept on our toes.

I watch as my wife dances with Cole on her hip, holding hands with a heavily pregnant Brenna, and I can’t help but smile. Who the fuck would’ve thought this would be my life?

Cade moves his head from lying on my left shoulder to my right and brings his drool covered fingers back to his mouth.

I’d do anything to protect Pebbles and Cole, but something in me was triggered the instant I saw how little Cade was. He’s my little buddy, and if I could carry him around inside my shirt at all times to make sure he is protected, I would.

Pebbles turns towards us with a large smile on her beautiful face, and I throw her a wink.

I turn back to the conversation the men are having next to me and my ears perk up when Flame asks, “You and Lilah have any plans to spit out some youngins anytime soon?”

“Nah man,” Ringer turns away from me and blows his cigar smoke away from Cade, for which I’m thankful. “Lilah says she’s too damn selfish. She wants to keep me all to herself for now.”

I chuckle. “You have no idea, brother. You think you have all her attention, but the second them kids come out, you’re chop fucking liver,” I add.