I gasp as Flame drops to one knee in front of Brenna, who has tears trailing down her cheeks. I curse the roar of the fire and the music playing over the speakers, making it impossible to hear what he’s saying to her. Brenna nods her head profusely as she sobs with a smile on her face.
Her grandmother sits next to her, silently crying while holding an equally emotional Meredith, Brenna’s sister.
“God damnit,” Trigger says.
I turn towards him as he watches the couple with an unreadable expression. “What?” I ask, clearly bewildered.
“Nothing. Hey, it’s getting kinda cold out. Are you ready to get the boys home?”
“It’s been awhile since you’ve held Cade. Are you doing alright, Dad?” I tease.
“Ha. Ha.” Trigger rolls his eyes, playfully. “Just ready to get my family home.”
“Can’t argue with that. Let’s go.”
Trigger takes Cole from me and then marches over to Lyric to get Cade. I skip over to Brenna, who is gushing over her ring and accepting hugs from everyone.
I squeeze my way through and smile at her tear stained face as she pouts her lip at me.
“Congratulations, love!” I squeeze her to me. “You deserve all of this and so much more!”
“Thank you,” she sobs against my shoulder. “I love you!”
“I love you, too. Go celebrate with your man! I’m going to get the boys home, but I expect all of the girls at my house for breakfast tomorrow!”
“I just got engaged, Pebbles! Make it lunch!” We both burst out laughing as we hug again.
“Congratulations, Jace,” I say to the man that’s always been like a big brother to me.
He pulls me into a hug, beaming from ear to ear. “Thanks, Pebbles.”
“Congrats, brother!” Trigger says, nodding at Flame. His arms are full with the boys, making him unable to shake his hand.
“Thank you, thank you.” Flame rubs both boys on the head before waving goodbye.
We make our rounds around the party and say our goodbyes. Before having the boys, it was a simple wave and a goodbye. Now every single person wants to get one last cuddle in before we leave.
It feels like ten hours later that we’re finally in bed, just Trigger and I. He got the boys bathed and fed while I showered the campfire out of my hair. He’s freshly showered too, and now we’re relaxed, facing each other in bed.
“Did you have fun?” he asks.
“I did, but it’s exhausting going anywhere nowadays.”
He chuckles. “I heard it gets easier. Who knows when the hell that’ll happen.”
I let out a long yawn and stretch, my hand landing on his waist. Trigger surprises me by flipping over and leaning over me. “I’m kinda pissed.”
“What? Why?”
“Flame stole my moment.”
“What moment?” I ask in confusion.
My eyes widen as Trigger produces the most beautiful vintage cut ring I’ve ever seen. I gasp, searching his eyes. “What is this, Jamie?”
“I love you, Heather.”
“I love you too?”