“So us having sex yesterday didn’t hurt anything?”
“Jamie!” I scold. “You’re not supposed to blurt it out like that.”
“What?” he asks innocently before turning a smirk on Dr. Murphy. “I’m just making sure. I told her we needed to wait, but she couldn’t keep her hands off me.”
I slap my hands against my face in mortification.
Dr. Murphy laughs and squeezes my shoulder. “It’s perfectly normal. Your hormones are raging right now. Just make sure you’re taking precautions, as it’s pretty difficult to have two under the age of one, let alone three.”
My eyes widen as I uncover my face. “I need birth control. Now.”
Dr. Murphy laughs again before heading towards the door. “I already sent in your prescription. It was lovely seeing you guys, and keep up the good work! Those babies are absolutely beautiful.”
After she leaves the room, I turn and glare at Trigger. “I swear to God, if you got me pregnant again, I will fucking kill you.”
Trigger holds his hands up in defense. “You’re the one that jumped on me in the shower! I was just an innocent, willing participant.”
“Shut up. Let me get dressed so we can go home and I can die of embarrassment.”
“She’s a lady doctor, babe. It’s her job to talk about sex.”
“Stop! You’re making it worse!” My cheeks heat.
Trigger secures the boys in their seats in the double stroller as I put my pants back on. “Don’t forget we have the barbecue tomorrow,” he says loudly as the boys begin to fuss.
The club has decided to celebrate the fact that all of the shit that has been going on lately has been handled. It turns out that the brother of the kid Ringer accidentally killed wanted revenge and was going about it the wrong fucking way. Luckily, it’s been taken care of, and we no longer feel the need to look over our shoulder at every turn.
Leave it to Ghost to find a reason to throw a party. I’ve decided to take the twins for a few hours until it gets too cold out or it gets rowdy, whichever comes first.
Because we’re already in the city from my appointment, we decide to spend the rest of the day going to the shops that we don’t have in Desert Rose. We eat lunch at the cafe on the corner that I loved during my pregnancy and stop at the baby depot. We spend entirely too much money on stuff we probably didn’t need before heading home.
The following day, I’m in the kitchen making the easiest party food I know, buffalo chicken dip, when Trigger strolls in holding both twins. I let out a belly laugh as I see what they’re wearing.
“Oh my God,” I laugh, wiping my eyes. “When did you buy those?”
“I ordered them! Do you like it?”
“I love it!” I giggle, stopping in front of him and kissing both of my boys' cheeks.
The boys are dressed in matching black onesies, white knee high socks, baby converse, and a gray beanie identical to Trigger’s. To top off the look, they are both sucking on pacifiers with plastic mustaches.
“Do you know what would be perfect with this outfit?” I say, going over to the closet by the front door.
“What’s that?”
I pull out the box I was waiting to give him, walk back to the kitchen and place it on the counter. I take both boys from him so he can open the box. I smile in excitement when he pulls out the two miniature black leather vests. “They’re a little big for them yet, but aren’t they adorable?”
“These are fucking amazing!” Trigger smiles widely, letting out a chuckle. “I love it.”
We’re barely at the party for five minutes before both kids are taken from us for cuddles.
As soon as everyone’s eaten, we all congregate to the fires. Over the last few weeks, there has been some work done on the clubhouse, both outside and inside. Instead of multiple small fire pits, there is now one large one with many different types of chairs surrounding it. It reminds me of a much fancier summer camp fire.
I’m relaxing with my feet propped up in front of me and holding Cole, who is bundled in his motorcycle blanket in my arms. It’s the middle of December, so the air is brisk and chilly. Trigger’s next to me, watching Lyric, who is cuddling a bundled up Cade, like a hawk.
Lyric and her man are cuddled up on the hammock chair with Cade. Ghost has Emery perched on his lap, and Brit sits on the bench to his side, talking to Maria and Tank. Winnie sits next to Bull’s as he cuddles a sleeping Poppy inside his large jacket. As usual, Ringer and Lilah have disappeared and are nowhere to be found while her dad and Sasha cuddle on the adirondack chair. I laugh at the rest of the guys as they act like a bunch of kids trying to convince Les to jump over the fire.
All of the chatter stops when Flame randomly stands up, earning everyone’s attention.