Reeva looked defensively at both her sisters, then sighed. “Okay, so I’m hiding away a bit. Surely that’s okay considering absolutely everything that could go wrong in my life has just gone wrong?”

“You’re allowed to take some time,” said Sita. “Fuck knows I’d like to. But you’ve got to face up to shit too.”

“I know. I am very aware I can’t just live alone inside my flat for the rest of my life.”

Jaya studied her suspiciously. “Hey. How come your hair looks so good? It’s bouncier than usual, and you’ve got a cute fringey bit. Did you get extensions?” She gasped. “Oh my god. It isn’t a...?”

Sita caught Jaya’s eyes. “You get her wrists. I’ll get the wig.”

“No!” shrieked Reeva as both her sisters lunged for her. “You can’t do this! No!”

“You did it to me,” said Jaya, as she wrestled her. “Come on, Sita, I’ve got her.”

Sita sat astride her sister’s chest, ignoring Reeva’s muffled cries, and triumphantly pulled off the wig. “Fuck me! You’re bald.”

Reeva pushed her sisters off her and frantically tried to cover her head. She stuck a pillow on top of it. “Go away! I can’t believe you did that. You’re the worst. I hate you both. Just... get out of my room. Get out of my flat!”

“Babe,” breathed out Jaya. “Where did your hair go?”

“Looks like she shaved it off,” said Sita, craning her neck to look at the back of Reeva’s head. “Which isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard. I probably would have done the same if I were you, Reevs.”

“I definitely wouldnothave,” said Jaya. Sita elbowed her in the stomach. “But, um, yep, love that for you, Reevs!”

Reeva sniffed and slowly lowered the pillow. “You don’t think I look hideously repulsive?”

“Nah,” said Sita. “It’s efficient. And the wig suits you. Better than your normal hair, really.”

Jaya nodded. “Uh-huh. Ooh, if you let me do a post about you, I can get you loads more wigs gifted for free. Oh my god, it would be so—”

“No fucking way,” retorted Reeva. “I will never let you post about me in any context, so you may as well stop asking.”

Sita looked at Reeva, impressed. “You know what? Being bald suits you. You seem different. Stronger. Less... mouselike.”

Reeva crossed her arms. “I was never mouselike. And I’m notplanning on staying bald, okay? I only did it because I was sick of waiting for it to happen. It was my way of taking back control.”

Jaya turned to Sita. “You’re so right. Bald Reeva has fierce energy. I’m into it! Yes, girl!”

Reeva looked from one sister to the other and shook her head slowly. “Yeah, I really have no idea how we’re related.”


Day 13

“So you’re sureyou’re going to be okay with her?” Reeva looked anxiously from Fluffy Panda, who was yawning regally on the windowsill, to Sita and Jaya, who were both huddled around mugs of coffee at the kitchen table, yawning far less regally. “She’s a very particular cat. You know she doesn’t like anyone touching her except me— Oh, well, I guess she accepted Lakshmi. But she won’t like you guys touching her because you’re complete strangers. To her, I mean. And remember if she—”

“We get it,” interrupted Sita. “We are her slaves and she is a cat god. We will do whatever she desires and nothing less.”

Reeva scowled. “You don’t need to be sarcastic. I worry about her. She’s been through a lot of upheaval lately.” She paused. “I meanI’vebeen through a lot of upheaval lately. God, I really need to stop transferring my shit onto the cat.”

Sita shook her head. “You’ve got issues.”

Jaya frowned at her, mouthing,She’s bald.

“I can lip-read,” said Reeva. “And you don’t need to be nice to me just because I don’t have any hair.”

“We’re not!” cried Jaya. “But don’t worry, we’ll take amazing care of FP. I think I found your vibrator in the bedside drawer, so we’ll get that out for her if need be.”

“No! No more vibrators. Just... dry food for lunch, and Chicken Princess for breakfast and dinner. And I still don’t know if I’ll be home tonight or tomorrow.”