“And here we go, defending Mum again,” cried Sita. “Did she not tell you that she lied to us all about the will? The money wasalways ours, whether we went to his prayers or not. She hasn’t changed; she’s as manipulative as ever.”

“But, Sita, she lived with an alcoholic,” said Reeva gently. “I know she’s been a terrible mum at times, but she’s also had her fair share of trauma.”

“I know,” admitted Sita. “And it’s not okay. But it still doesn’t excuse her manipulation. She didn’t need to trick us into giving up the last two weeks of our lives.”

“I haven’t minded these two weeks so much,” said Jaya mildly. “It’s been kind of fun. Trying to figure out if Dad was a spy or having an affair. Hanging out in the bath. I’ve had worse fortnights.”

Reeva and Sita both turned to look at her. “Seriously?”

“Yeah! I was once promised a free trip to a five-star resort, and when I got there, it wasveryfour-star. This has been amazing in comparison.”

“Well, I don’t know about fun, but these have definitely been the most eventful two weeks of my life,” said Reeva. “I’m not over how many things have happened. Finding out Dad’s secret, that Sita’s separated, that Jaya’s having a kid with my ex—I’m not having a go at you, I’m just saying! I had a fight with my best friend. Got a boyfriend and broke up with him. Found out I have an amazing aunt and she’s dying. It’s a lot.”

“What?” yelped Jaya. “You broke up with Nick?! Was he shagging Hot Lips? Oh my god, I’m going to kill him!”

“He says he wasn’t. He admitted they used to date—after I practically forced him into it,” explained Reeva. “But I just don’t know if I can believe him. And even if I could, it’s too hard to be with him. Everything he does ignites one of my old insecurities.”

“So ditch your insecurities, not him!” cried Jaya.

“Maybe I don’t want to,” said Reeva stubbornly. “Why can’t I date someone easier? Why does it have to be so hard?”

“It’s always fucking hard,” said Sita.

“But surely it would be easier if I dated someone who didn’t travel the world to hang out with hot celebs all the time,” argued Reeva. “You know, someone normal. A plumber or something.”

“Plumbers are always having sex!” cried Jaya. “Do you guys not watch porn?”

“Uh, no. I barely have the time to brush my hair let alone masturbate,” said Sita.

Jaya shook her head. “How are we related?”

“The point is he wasn’t a UCB,” said Reeva. “It’s okay to have an lcb for a while, but really, I want more.”

“Coming to see you to win you back is pretty UCB,” said Jaya. “And don’t forget he came all the way to Leicester to see you. He really likes you.”

“Yes, but I don’t just want a boyfriend who likes me and makes big gestures—I want someone I feel safe with. Someone I can stay up late talking to about my feelings. I want real emotional communication, whereas Nick won’t even tell me why Hot Lips was in his room. Or why he divorced his ex.” Reeva exhaled. “I’m not blaming him—I know men in his generation weren’t raised to share about their feelings. And I know I’ve made mistakes too. But... things are better now that I’ve ended it. I feel so, so much calmer.”

“Yeah, because you’re avoiding life,” said Jaya.

“I’m taking control of my life! Sita, surely you see my point?”

Sita shrugged. “What do I know? My marriage is a disaster and you two are the only ones who know.”

“Give her some advice,” urged Jaya. “She clearly needs it.”

“Oh, fine. If you love him, then make it work. Even if it’s hard. It’s worth it.”

Reeva looked at Sita in surprise. “But... you always say that love isn’t enough! That you need the teamwork and partnership and all the practical things in common too. That’s, like, your mantra.”

“All that comes later. You can figure it out so long as you have a strong foundation of love. Work on that and you’ll be okay. Logistics can be sorted.”

Reeva looked at her dubiously. “Even when the logistics involve your boyfriend sleeping with a practically teenage pop star? I don’t think so. Besides, it’s too late. We’re over. And I feel better for it.”

“Sure,” said Jaya sarcastically. “So much better that you’ve turned your phone off and hidden away from the world. Really healthy behavior, Reevs.”

“Hey, it’s my detox retreat. I’m healing.”

“And fighting with your best friend?” asked Jaya. “Doesn’t sound so healing to me.”