“That’s amazing! Well done, Reevs. I mean—I don’t think she deserves it. But anything that makes you feel better is a good thing in my book.”

“Thanks.” Reeva smiled.

“Have you found out anything more yet? About your dad?”

“Just that Mum feels guilty about it, even though Dad says it wasn’t her fault. There’s a woman, Leela, who the others think Dad might have been dating. I’m not convinced though—they don’t seem like the type.”

“Well, if there’s anything we’ve learned in our line of work, it’s that anything is possible.”

“Right.” Reeva sighed. “Oh, and Mum slipped that it affected me more than the others.”

“What, why? Because you were the oldest?”

“She made it sound a little more than that. It was all quite ominous. I’m hoping it’s nothing too bad.”

“Surely you’d know if it was?”

“I hope so. Sita thinks Mum had an affair and Dad beat up her lover. And I witnessed the whole thing.”

“Oooh, like that Russian couple we did a couple of years ago! Yeah, that could make sense. But your dad could have just divorced her and taken all her money... He didn’t need to fake his death.”

“Tell me about it. I can’t think of a single reason that justifies the death-faking. Oh, hang on. Amisha! Stop attacking your sister. Alisha, push her off you! Come on, girl, you’ve got this. Okay, they’ve stopped. Bloody hell, they’re feral.”

“Sounds like Sita’s palmed babysitting duties onto you.”

“I offered. You know I love them. And it gets me out of the house. Though I’m meant to be using this time to write a eulogy for tomorrow...”

“Oh wow. What are you going to say?”

“I have no idea. I didn’t know him! And all his friends seem to think we all had a normal father-daughter relationship. It’s just... awkward.”

“Not as awkward as it would be if you revealed the truth.”

“Yeah, definitely not something I’m planning on doing. Anyway, you’ll hear it tomorrow. Hey, what are you doing with FP in the end? Have you hired a sitter from that website I sent you, or is your assistant going to do it?” There was silence on the other end. Reeva furrowed her brow. “Lakshmi? Please tell me you’re still coming tomorrow?”

“I’m so sorry,” she cried. “I just— It’s work. The pedophile case is in court, and I can’t trust anyone else with it. He’s innocent, I know he is, and, Ree, his whole life could be ruined if I don’t defend him against that lying gold digger.”

Reeva sighed. She was familiar with the case. “Surely Lee can handle it?”

“You know he can’t.”

“But how am I meant to get through tomorrow without you? You’re my family more than Jaya and Sita have ever been.”

Lakshmi made a guilty sound. “I know, I know. But I can’t get away. Please don’t hate me. I’ll be with you in spirit, I promise.”

Reeva exhaled loudly. “Oh, fine. It’s okay.”

“You will truly be fine, Reevs. I so believe that. And you’re practically best mates with your sisters now.”

“I would not go that far.”

“And Nick’s going to be there! Surely you’re excited about that?”

Reeva hesitated. “Yeah, I guess.” She hadn’t meant to lie to her best friend. But the thought of Lakshmi bailing on her court case out of pity was just unbearable. “Anyway, the twins are murdering each other, so I’d better go. Bye!”

Reeva hung up the phone call and saw Nick had replied.

It’s with Hot Lips. Not sure if you know her stuff? She cleaned out the BRIT Awards the other day! Miss you. XX