“The music agent!” cried Saraswati. “Tell meallabout him. I’m thrilled you’ve finally got a new boyfriend. I knew that waste of space running off with Jaya would be the best thing for you. I always felt you could do so much better than some boring banker. A music agent is much more the kind of person I imagined you with.”

Reeva tried to hide a smile as Jaya bristled by her side.

“And what’s this about Hot Lips?” Her mum was still prattling on. “Have you met her yet, sweetie? It would be so good for you to have friends in the music industry. You need to get out and have more fun! You know, I actually met her at a benefit last year, though she went by Daniella back then. Of course, she wasn’t as famous at the time or she would have been at our table.”

“No, I haven’t met her.” Reeva tried to push away the images flashing up in her mind of Nick with his arms around the beautiful twenty-seven-year-old. “But anyway, Mum, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”

“Look, I don’t like to do favors for music agents, or they’ll all be asking for them, but if there’s something I can do for your boyfriend to help his career, then of course I’ll make an exception.”

Reeva tried to keep a straight face as Sita pretended to gag. “Thanks, Mum. I’ll keep you posted if I need any music favors. But actually, I don’t want to talk to you about my boyfriend right now. Or about Hot Lips. Definitelynot Hot Lips.”

“What?” Her mum’s entire face lifted slightly in confusion. “But that’s why my PA scheduled this call.”

Reeva took a deep breath. It was time. “Mum. I know.”

“Know what?”

“The big secret about what happened with Dad.” She tried to keep her face neutral, hoping that her expression corresponded to whatever emotion she should be feeling.

Her mum took in a sharp breath. “Oh.”

“Yes. Oh.”

“How did you find out?”

“Um...” Reeva hadn’t prepared an answer for this. “Dad kept a journal.”

“Of course he did!” cried Saraswati. “That’s so him. He was always so emotional.” Suddenly she burst into tears. Reeva stared at her in alarm. She’d never seen her mum cry in front of her before. Never. Not even when her own parents had died. She resisted the urge to look at her sisters, but she could feel them tensing up at her side.

“Uh, Mum?”

Saraswati kept sobbing loudly. Tears slid down her cheeks, but her expression didn’t change. It was an odd sight. “I’m sorry, Reeva. That this all happened.”

“What bit? The death-faking or...”

“Yes that, but also the... you know. I don’t like talking about it. It’s too difficult to remember it all.”

“Right,” said Reeva. “Uh... why did it happen?”

“I don’t know! I don’t think I’ll ever really understand it. But it’s not just your father’s fault—I’m to blame just as much.”

“Really? Why?”

“I don’t know,” wailed Saraswati. “We just argued so much. If I’d... or if he’d... and we’d... oh, I knew nothing back then. I was so young! I know I wasn’t a good wife.”

“Or mother,” said Sita under her breath.

“Ask about Leela,” hissed Jaya.

Reeva shifted uncomfortably. “Mum, uh, Leela’s been coming to the prayers. You know Leela, right?”

Her mum’s tears dried up and she scowled. “Of course. Is she still dressing like a librarian?”

Sita snorted.

“Uh, she looks good,” said Reeva. “What’s she... like?”

“I bet she’s been there every day at the prayers, hasn’t she? Head bowed, modest as ever. She was always so perfect. If it wasn’t for her...”