Lakshmi grumbled loudly. “God, I wish I could give you some of my confidence.”

“I would love some of your confidence. I have no idea where mine has gone. I feel like I’m constantly worried about when Nick last called or didn’t call, and why he didn’t message when he said he would. I’m exhausted. Not to mention I’m also meant to be finding out whether my dad was a marital cheat, a spy, or somewhere in between. I feel like a nervous wreck. No wonder I’m going bald.”

“You’ve just got a lot going on right now, Reevs. And relationships are exhausting—that’s why I avoid them. You should do what I do.”

“Um, I’m exhausted dealing with one man, let alone having a couple on the go at the same time.”

“It’s easier than you think. Especially when you have a secretary.”

Reeva laughed. “It’s still not for me, but thanks. Anyway. I’d better go and trick my mum into revealing the truth.”

“Good luck. Keep me posted.”

“I will, and thanks, Lakshmi. Sorry I’ve been so needy lately; I’m just...”

“Dealing with a fuckload of drama. Anyone would be the same in your position. Stop thanking me and go reverse psychology your mum so you can figure out the truth and come home. FP and I miss you.”

“Thanks. And I know FP hasn’t noticed I’ve gone, but you’re sweet for pretending.”


Day 6

Time difference—andthe twenty-minute slot allocated to Reeva in their mum’s schedule by her PA—meant the sisters were unable to greet the guests for the prayers. Instead, while Satya Auntie was Jai Shree Krishna–ing all their father’s friends, the sisters were crammed into the upstairs bathroom.

“Can’t we bring chairs in here?” complained Jaya. “My ass is not enjoying having the edge of the bath poking into it.”

“And you think mine is?” countered Sita. “Shut up and deal with it.”

“We could all just sit on the floor,” suggested Reeva.

Sita gave her a withering look. “We’re not twelve.”

“I’m with Reeva,” said Jaya, sliding down the side of the bath onto the graying mat, pulling the edge of her floral skirt with her. “We may as well be comfortable. Ooh, this mat is springier than it looks.”

Sita reluctantly followed suit in her jeans. They left a space in between them for Reeva to fill. She looked down at the formerlycream mat, with its unidentifiable gray stains, and regretted her suggestion.

“Hurry up,” demanded Sita. “It’s time.”

Reeva gingerly lowered herself—and her soft camel loungewear—onto the mat. “Fine. Let’s do this.”

She pressed call, her heart pounding with anxiety. She knew it was excessive to be so stressed about calling her mother, but it was never easy to have a conversation with Saraswati, let alone about something as complex as this. This time Reeva had a plan. Instead of trying to plead with her mum for answers, she was going to pretend she already knew the secret and hope her mum accidentally revealed something. Her sisters had approved the idea and decided it would work better if they weren’t there—or at least if their mum didn’t know they were there—which meant it was all down to Reeva.

“She’s there,” mouthed Sita, nudging her sharply in the stomach.

Reeva shot her a look of annoyance as her mum’s face filled her phone screen. “Darling? Hel-loooo?”

“Hi, Mum.” Reeva forced her face into a relaxed smile. “How’s India?”

“Exhausting,” declared her mother. “These actresses are so demanding; we can barely get through a single scene without some complaint or other. I was hoping we’d be wrapped up by the end of the week so I could come home and see you, but it looks like it’ll definitely be a full fortnight.”

“What a surprise,” said Reeva, under her breath. Sita snorted in response.

“What’s that, darling? I’m just so tired of it all. Thank god MJ’s in the movie too, or I’d be bored out of my mind. Our afternoon breaks are the only things keeping me going.”

“Ew,” said Jaya. Sita glared at her and put her finger to her lips.

“Sounds fun!” said Reeva. “It would be good if you could try and get away earlier though, because—”