Sita looked at her younger sister in admiration while Reeva let out a strangled cry. “Nice. What did you write?”

“I said that Reevs is dating a famous music agent who works with Hot Lips and wants to tell her all about it. You know how she loves a bit of name-dropping.”

“Wait, what?” asked Reeva. “Hot Lips the singer? Nick works with her?”

“Yeah, of course,” said Jaya. “He represents her. They were papped at the BRIT Awards last night. Do you not read theDaily Mail?”

Reeva was trying—andfailing—to be chill. Hot Lips was an insanely attractive, insanely successful singer who currently had her arms wrapped around Reeva’s boyfriend in a selection of photos on various media outlets. She’d even specifically thanked Nick Trippier in her speech as she won Best Artist at the BRIT Awards. She’d then performed live onstage, wearing hot pants and some kind of leather shirt, alongside a famous rapper she’d once dated.

Before meeting Nick, Reeva wouldn’t have been aware of any of this. She barely knew what was at the top of the charts and only ever heard about celeb goss if she was representing one of them in a divorce. But in just a matter of hours, Reeva had become an expert on Hot Lips’s career and personal life. According to Wikipedia, she’d dated a number of high-profile actors and rappers—including the one she’d sang with onstage—but hadn’t been linked with anyone for the last year. She never spoke about her love life in interviews (Reeva had checked) or posted photos of boyfriends on Instagram (Reeva could also vouch for this). But she did have a very impressive set of abs, loved taking photos of herself in bikinis on yachts, and was only twenty-seven years old. All of which made Reeva feel incredibly insecure.

She called Lakshmi for the sixth time.

“I said I’d call you when I got home,” grumbled Lakshmi. “I’ve barely got through the door. I still need to pee.”

“Pee while we speak. I’m still freaking out.”

“There’s nothing to freak out about! He’s a music agent. Youalways knew he worked with famous hot singers. Obviously, he’s going to be photographed with them.”

“But he told me the other day he recently dated a singer!” cried Reeva. “What if it’s Hot Lips?”

“And what if it’s not? You’re going to drive yourself crazy for no reason.”

“You know you’d also freak out if you were dating someone who’d maybe been in an off-and-on relationship with Hot Lips,” said Reeva. She heard Lakshmi clank around the bathroom and start peeing.

“Ahh, that feels good. And no, I don’t think I would. I’d be flattered. It would put me in the same league as someone who was voted one ofFHM’s top ten sexiest women.”

“What?” cried Reeva. “I didn’t see that! How can I compete with one of the top ten sexiest women? Please tell me we’re talking UK, not international.”

“You need to chill. You can’t imagine Nick has dated everyone he’s worked with or you’ll die of stress. It’s not good for the alopecia. Okay?”

At the mention of her alopecia, Reeva calmed down. She exhaled deeply. “You’re right. I just... panicked it was her, and that he was cheating on me. It’s stupid. I know I have no reason to think that. I was just so shocked seeing all those photos of him with her on the internet. I’ve never dated someone who’s been in the Sidebar of Shame before.”

“I know,” said Lakshmi. “It’s fucking weird. But it is what it is, sobreathe.”

“Okay, okay.” Reeva paused. “He wouldn’t have dated someone called Hot Lips, would he? I mean, her name is awful.”

“Forget it. He’syourboyfriend now. He drove all the way up to Leicester to see you. He’s also going to do it again in a coupleof days for the funeral. And he was very polite about grieving appropriately for your father. If he’s too much of a gentleman to come in your mouth during your dad’s prayers, he’s definitely too much of a gentleman to cheat on you while you’re at your dad’s funeral.”

Reeva groaned. “Don’t remind me of that. But okay. You’re right. Thank you. I think I have PTSD after Rakesh and Jaya.”

“I know, but, Reevs, you can’t keep projecting your past onto the present. It’s not healthy; you’re letting your fear fuck up a good thing.”

“You sound so much like my new aunt right now. She’s always talking about me needing to live in the present.”

“She’s right. But didn’t you just meet her the other day? She’s already life coaching you?”

“Yup. I guess it was glaringly obvious that I am very much not living in the present.” Reeva sighed. “Maybe I need to swap therapists; I feel like all the progress I thought I’d made isn’t much at all.”

“You’re doing great,” said Lakshmi firmly. “You just need to remember that not every man is Rakesh. And if you’re so stressed about the Nick thing, why don’t you ask him?”

“No! He’ll know I’m googling him, and he’ll think I’m obsessed with him. It’s too much.”

“You can tell him you saw the pics by chance and ask if Hot Lips is the ex he was talking about. It’s not a big deal, Reevs. And at least that way you’ll know.”

Reeva shook her head vehemently. “I can’t. His favorite thing about me is that I’m strong. I can’t let him know I’m freaking out. He’ll think I’m an anxious mess and dump me.”