“I really hope the hotel had time to change the sheets before Mum and MJ turned up,” said Reeva.

“So do I,” said Sita. “I’m a squirter.”

Reeva shrieked. “No! Why are you telling us this?! I donotneed to know that.”

Sita shrugged. “It’s natural. I’m not going to hide it.”

“Wait. If we share the same DNA, does that mean I can squirt too?” cried Jaya. “Rak— I mean, I would fucking love that.”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” said Reeva. “But what do I know—I’ve never squirted a day in my life.”

Sita shrugged. “It’s not as great as it sounds. It just makes the sheets messy, which means extra washing. You know, that’s probably the main reason I never bother masturbating anymore. It’s all such a hassle. Who has the time?”

“You can make yourself squirt?” Jaya stared at her in awe. “Okay, I’ll be right back, guys, I need to go practice.”

Reeva made a face at her. “You cannot go off and masturbate. We’re at our dad’s death prayers.”

“Seconded,” said Sita. “Save it for after the funeral. Give you something to look forward to.”

“Fine.” Jaya sighed. “Just make sure you tell me your tips first, okay? Like, everything from technique to soundtrack.”

“It feels very wrong to be having this chat while Dad’s loved ones are singing bhajans downstairs,” commented Reeva. “I can’t believe none of us are down there. And I missed most of yesterday’s prayers. This is not good. Do you think they’re going to judge us?”

“He already made it out like we’re the world’s most selfish daughters,” said Sita. “We may as well continue the narrative.”

“And you’re allowed to wander in and out of prayers,” said Jaya. “It’s chill. They’ll think we’re doing funeral admin or, like, crying or whatever.”

“Are you sure it doesn’t make us terrible people?” asked Reeva. “Terrible... daughters?”

“Not as terrible as our parents,” replied Sita. “They’re the ones who lied to us our whole lives. Sex chats during prayers is nothing in comparison. At least we’ve had the courtesy to come upstairs and do it in the bathroom.”

Reeva nodded slowly. “You know what? You’re right. Fuck it. Let’s stay up here and chat.” She stood up. “You guys don’t mind if I get back in the bath while we carry on, do you? I feel inappropriately dirty right now—and it’s not just the oil.”

“Go wild,” said Jaya. “Why don’t we make it a bit of a party? Get some drinks and snacks?”

“Is there any booze?” asked Reeva. “I didn’t see anything on our clue hunt. Dad clearly wasn’t a big drinker.”

“I bought some wine,” said Sita. “Essentials.”

“And snacks?” asked Jaya.

“Sure. So long as you guys like chopped-up cucumber.”

Reeva snuggled intoher dad’s bed, her hair freshly washed and dried, feeling oddly content. She wasn’t sure if it was the effect of three glasses of wine, or because she’d just had an objectively enjoyable evening with her sisters for the first time in years. They’d spent hours drinking and laughing in the bathroom together—long after all the guests had gone—sniggering over Jaya’s fear of foreskin and squealing at Sita’s graphic retelling of exactly what happened to her vagina after childbirth. Neither Reeva nor Jaya had known that nappies were so essential for mothers as well as newborns. Jaya had looked so nauseous she’d started retching over the loo, which had naturally made Reeva and Sita howl even louder.

She’d tried to go downstairs to speak to the guests when the singing had stopped, but when she’d peered into the room and seen them all chatting together, a community she had no part in, she’d slipped away again. Sita had texted Satya Auntie to ask her to make the girls’ excuses, saying they were just too emotional to be there. And then they’d carried on drinking and laughing until they’d woken up the twins. They hadn’t spoken about any of the real stuff—like the Big Betrayal—but her sisters had admitted she was right about Leela. There wasn’t enough evidence to act like it was true, and they’d have to speak to her again to find out more. It was the first time Reeva could remember both her sisters telling her she was right.

The only thing still bothering her was the zero contact from Nick. She knew he was busy, buthowhad he still not tried to callher? She didn’t understand. He was the one who’d wanted to make their relationship official, but now he’d gone AWOL, just when she needed his reassurance the most. Reeva hated that she was always the one calling him, but she hated sitting around waiting for his call even more. She picked up her phone and dialed his number.

He answered enthusiastically. “Reeva! I was just thinking about you. How were tonight’s prayers?”

Reeva instantly felt better. He was happy to hear from her. And he’d been thinking about her. She pulled herself up to lean against the pillows. “Um... I didn’t actually make it again.”

Nick laughed. “Oh, really? I hope that doesn’t mean you were busy with another overnight visitor you were doing unsuitable things to instead?”

Reeva flushed at the reference to what was now officially the most embarrassing moment of her thirties. “Uh. No. Of course not. I was in the bath. With my sisters. Not like that. Obviously. Okay, I think I’m drunker than I thought.”