“Jaya!” cried Reeva. “Also, even if they were, which I really don’t want to know about, that doesn’t mean they had an affair. He had almost thirty years of being single—they could have met anytime.”

Sita rolled her eyes. “I need to put the twins to bed. Keep an eye out for this Leela.”

“I need to call Rak—uh, someone,” said Jaya.

The sisters left Reeva alone in the hallway with a growing pile of coats and a deep sense of unease. She didn’t agree with her sisters—it was obvious this Leela was someone he’d met recently. A friend. So why did Reeva feel absolute dread at the thought of meeting her? The doorbell rang. Reeva stared at the door with trepidation. She opened it slowly, wondering if this mystery Leela would be behind it.

“Jai Shree Krishna, Reeva.” Shilpa Ben spoke authoritatively. “Can I give you my coat?” Reeva took it silently as Shilpa Ben smoothed her sari. “Thank you. Is Seema Ben here?”

“Seema... oh! The singer. Sorry, yes. She’s setting up. Satya Auntie’s there with her.”

“Good. I’ll just—”

“Hang on!” Reeva reached out to touch her. “Sorry. I just wanted to ask you, um, you knew my dad from the mandir, didn’t you?”

“Oh yes. Hemant Bhai was very active.”

“Really?” asked Reeva. “Was he always? It’s just, um, I don’t remember him being really religious when I was younger. And I was wondering when he, uh...” She hesitated. “Found God” sounded a bit dramatic.

“He started coming to the mandir regularly maybe five years ago now. For guidance. Something we all need at different points in our lives.”

“Was it... for anything in particular?”

Shilpa Ben frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t normally say. But I mean, he was your dad. It’s just... it was when your mum found someone new. It all hit him.”

“What hit him?”

“His loneliness, I think,” said Shilpa Ben. “Isn’t that why we all turn to God? To find that sense of connection?”

“So he wasn’t, uh, Leela wasn’t—”

“Leela? His colleague? What about her?”

“Nothing,” beamed Reeva. “Nothing at all. So Dad came to the mandir to find connection?”

“I think so. He lived a quiet life. All those years of sacrifice, working hard for you girls and denying himself so much. He deserved a bit of community, heh nah?”

Reeva nodded. “Definitely. I’m glad he got it.”

Shilpa Ben gave a satisfied nod. “Now, we’d better sit down. We’ll start soon.”

“I’ll be right there. I just need to tell my sisters something.”

Reeva ran up the stairs and opened the door to Sita’s room. She was standing in a corner, trying to shield herself with a giant Star Wars book while the twins threw balled-up socks at her.

“Whoa,” said Reeva. “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?” cried Sita. “I don’t knowwhythey’re acting like this, but I’ve had enough. Reeva Masi can deal with you.” She turned around, slamming the door behind her. The twins instantly stopped screaming and burst into tears instead.

“Uh, what’s going on, girls?” asked Reeva hesitantly.

“Everything,” they sobbed loudly.

“Oh-kay,” said Reeva, glancing at her watch. The prayers were starting any minute now. “Maybe you can go to sleep while I go downstairs?”

“No!” wailed Alisha.

“You have to stay,” demanded Amisha.