“Nick?” Reeva staredat him in surprise. “What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left hours ago!”

He was leaning against the counter with Satya Auntie, sipping chai. The rest of her family was crowded into the kitchen—MJ was playing with the twins, her mum was yawning loudly as Jaya showed her something on her phone, and Sita and Lakshmi were sniggering in the corner. “You’re back! And wigless. Nice.”

“I’ll leave you two to it,” said Satya Auntie. “Saraswati looks like she needs rescuing. And you look wonderful, Reeva.”

“Thanks, Satya Auntie.” Reeva looked around to see the rest of her family’s reaction, but no one had even acknowledged her arrival. Obviously. She turned back to Nick. “Uh, you got my message, right?

“Yes, but they persuaded me to stay for tea, and when I was about to leave, Sita got a call saying you were coming back. So I stayed.”

“You didn’t have to. I didn’t expect you to be here for the kriya. It’s a proper Hindu ceremony. You might find it... a bit much. I know it’s not your world.”

Nick flushed. “Yeah. I told a friend of mine I’d said that to you, and she made me realize I was a complete dick. I was just being ignorant; I should have sat through my discomfort, like I’m sure you have many times for me.”

Reeva nodded slowly. “Thanks. That’s really good to hear. Because, to be honest, I did want some moral support. I am Indian, yes, but I don’t feel particularly comfortable with any of this either. I’ve celebrated more bat mitzvahs than Diwalis.”

“I hear that. Which is why I want to be here for the kriya. To support you. As your boyfriend.”

“That’s quite uppercase of you...”

“I thought you wanted an uppercase boyfriend?”

“I do,” said Reeva quickly. “Definitely. I just...” She sighed. “Fuck, telling the truth never ends, does it? Okay. I’m just a bit scared that if you’re a UCB, my expectations of you will build up, then you’ll let me down and I’ll end up massively disappointed.”

Nick nodded slowly. “I hear you. Well, how about we talk about what we expect from a partner and then work out where we stand on things? A proper adult chat about what we need from each other.”

“I would love that! Yes. Please. Can we do spreadsheets too? Lists?”

“Uh, if you want to?”

“I wouldloveto.”

Nick laughed. “Okay, well, come here. Let me kiss you. And your bald head.”

Reeva bit her lip. “I can’t believe I’m not wearing my wig in front of you. Again.”

“I love that you’re not.”

“Oh my god!” cried Jaya loudly. “Reeva, you’re not wearing your wig!”

The whole room turned to look at Reeva.

“Uh, yeah, I took it off.”

“But...” Jaya faltered, looking from Nick to Rakesh.

“I think she looks great,” said Sita. “Powerful.”

“Definitely!” agreed Lakshmi. “It kind of works with your bone structure too.”

“Uh, am I missing something?” asked MJ. “Reeva, is this a new fashion look?”

“No!” cried out Saraswati. “Definitely not. She’s just waiting for her wig that’s coming from India. You will wear it, won’t you, Reeva? Please?”

Reeva laughed. “Sure, Mum. But I’m still going to go bald sometimes too. Mix it up, you know?”

“Love that,” cried Jaya. “Like the Buddhist nuns in Nepal. Very cool.”