Lakshmi burst into tears. “God, I’m such a bad friend. You’ve been going through so much. I should have been there for you!”

“No, no, no!” cried Reeva. “I do not deserve this apology. I was driving to see you because I need to apologize to you! I was a sexist bitch. I was judgy and mean. There is no excuse for it, and honestly, Lakshmi, I feelterriblefor what I said. I was just taking out my feelings on you, okay? I was projecting.”

Lakshmi wiped tears from her eyes. “No, but you were right. I do always get myself in dramas and involve you in them. And it wasn’t cool of me to sleep with Lee while I was cat-sitting. I didn’t tell you this, but... FP saw us, Reeva. She saw usin bed.”

“Okay, and?”

“A cat shouldn’t have to see that! And... shelickedmy fingers afterward! I’m so sorry.”

Reeva gagged. “Okay, that is disgusting. Please can we never talk about this again? But, Lakshmi, it’s fine. You’re allowed a sex life when you have a cat. I think.”

“I should have tried harder to go to the funeral.” Lakshmi looked down. “I could have come after court. Only Lee was free then. And... I chose to see him instead.”

Reeva felt her stomach tighten and a familiar defensive wall creep up around her. But then she remembered she was someone who told the truth now. “Thanks for telling me that. But it does hurt to hear. I really needed you, and it makes me feel... unimportant that you picked Lee over me.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Lakshmi in a small voice. “I know I let you down. But Lee isn’t more important than you. You’re the most important person in my life. I just followed my vagina instead of my heart.”

Reeva brushed away a tear. “That’s very good to hear because you’re the most important person inmylife. And to be honest, I’ve put my vagina before you too. I fixed things with Nick before I fixed them with you.”

“Really? But I didn’t even know there was anything to fix with Nick! I’m so out of the loop.”

“I think we have a lot to catch each other up on. Like... your entire last year with Lee!”

“I know. I haven’t been honest with you lately. I’m sorry, Reevs—I was just scared of the judgment.”

Reeva nodded slowly. “I get that. And I’m sorry. I know I can be a bit moral sometimes, and it’s not fair of me to judge you.You’re my best friend, and I want you to be able to tell me anything.” She paused. “But while we’re being super honest, I need to tell you that sometimes I don’t feel like there’s always space formeto be frank about how I feel in our friendship.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re so confident that sometimes I feel my opinions get lost over yours,” admitted Reeva. “It’s probably my own insecurity issues more than anything. But it’s hard sometimes.”

Lakshmi exhaled. “Wow. Okay. I feel fucking horrible I’ve made you feel like that.”

“Please don’t! I know it’s not deliberate. I just needed to say it out loud so that you know. It’s on me too, and I know I’ve been selfish lately. I’m... I’m sorry for everything, Lux.”

“I’m sorry too. I love you.”

Reeva put her arms around her friend and squeezed her tight. “I love you too. God, Satya Auntie is so right; being honest is amazing.”

“I need to meet this Satya Auntie. In fact, oh my god! We need to go!”


“To the kriya! We’re going to miss it.”

“But I’m missing it anyway. I left to find you. It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, and you found me only forty-five minutes from Leicester. So... let’s go.”

Reeva hesitated. “I don’t know if I want to. Lux, I found out the secret about my dad.”

Lakshmi squeezed her hand. “I know, Reevs. Your sisters told me.”


“They called me yesterday. They seemed to think you neededme. It was quite sweet, actually. I mean—they’re both fucking insane. They could barely get through a sentence without contradicting each other. But they do seem to care about you.”

Reeva stared at her. “I... did not expect that.”