“Later isn’t going to work. I’m about five junctions away from Leicester, so I need it now, please.”

“What! But... I’m on my way to London to see you.”

There was silence. “Are you serious? Now?”

“Yes! I left about forty-five minutes ago.”

“But what about the kriya?”

“I wanted to see you. I need to fix things with you. I just couldn’t wait another moment. And it felt weird to sit and do afamily thing when you weren’t speaking to me. You’re my family, and you should be there. Or I should be with you. Whatever.”

“You’re so weird.” Lakshmi sniffed. “You could have come to see me any day, not kriya day.”

“Oh my god, are youcrying? You never cry!”

“Shut up, of course I’m not. God, that traffic looks terrible.”

“Wait, where are you? I’m in traffic right now. There’s some police and an accident.”

“Shit! Then I must be passing you now. But the other way, obviously.”

“Well, let’s get off,” said Reeva. “At a services or something.”

“Uh, but the services are different on the different sides of the motorway. I love you, but I’m not walking across the M1 for you.”

“Just... go wait at the next services. I’ll get off now and turn around and come find you.”

“This sounds complicated. Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Just WhatsApp me your location. We’ll be fine. I’ll see you in five minutes.”

Thirty-five minutes andfive stressed-out phone calls later, Reeva finally pulled up next to Lakshmi’s car at the Watford Gap northbound services.

“Well, this is glamorous,” said Lakshmi, as she wound down her window. “Shall we at least go for a coffee? There’s a Costa over there.”

“Let’s do it. And I can get you some apology flowers from M&S; I didn’t have time to do it beforehand.”

“Perfect; I’ll buy yours too,” said Lakshmi, getting out of her car. “Oh my god! Reevs! Your hair! You look like Beyoncé. I’m obsessed.”

“Thanks.” Reeva smiled at her over the top of her Mini. “It’s a wig.”

“But I was meant to go wig shopping with you! We always said if your alopecia got so bad you needed to go bald, I’d treat you to... Oh my god! It got worse?”

Tears pricked Reeva’s eyes as she nodded.

Lakshmi walked over and hugged her. “Oh, baby. When?”

“The day of the funeral. Sita found three extra bald patches on my head. So that night...” Reeva looked down at the tarmac. “After you and I fought, I lost my shit and did a Britney.”

Lakshmi gasped. “Are you kidding me? That’s the most badass thing I’ve ever heard! I just revenge-ate your expensive chocolates. And used your entire Jo Malone bath oil. Sorry.”

“Jealous. I had to wash my bald head with Travelodge toiletries.”

Lakshmi looked at her admiringly. “You’re so brave. Can... I see it?”

Reeva hesitated, then shrugged. “Fuck it.” She pulled off the wig. “My bald head in all its glory. Or my vulnerability, as Satya Auntie calls it.”