“I just feel like an idiot,” he sobs quietly, dampening my suit with his tears. “I’m sorry I ever considered getting married. I was so fucking stupid.”
“You were heartbroken,” I assure him, cradling the back of his head. “You weren’t the stupid one, I was. I left you. I left you like I promised I never would.”
He pulls back, and I can see the anguish of this last month written all over his face. “Why, Mag? Why did you?”
I sigh deeply because the past now seems so insignificant, but it isn’t. It matters that he knows why I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, no matter how poorly it paints me.
“My dad…” I curse under my breath. “…my dad messed me up, baby. I know it’s not an excuse, but I really did think you’d be better off without me. I didn’t want to drag you down with me— Ow!”
“You dumbass!” He shouts, jumping off my body as he shoves me back. “You’re telling me that you did this because you were fucking insecure? What the fuck?”
Ouch. I didn’t expect that reaction.
“Don’t fuckingbabyme. You could have just talked to me!”
“I was miserable without you! I cried every night! I thought you didn’t love me—”
I shut him up with my lips. I can taste the salt of his tears, but I can also taste his forgiveness. I can see that underneath the anger, that same sweet relief is simmering.
“It’llneverhappen again,” I vow against his lips, brushing his ruffled hair away from his face. “Never again, Daniel. This is forever.”
“And ever and ever?”
I laugh as I rest my hand around his neck and he wraps his around the back of mine. Suddenly, we’re back to being fourteen, making promises in the dark of his townhouse. We’re back to the simplest most innate truth in the world.
We were always meant to be owned by each other.
I once again marvel at the fact that there was ever a moment in my life when I didn’t
know Daniel was my soulmate.
It’s been two weeks since we got back together and they’ve been nothing but bliss. We were rarely apart before, but now we’re inseparable. It’s like we need each other all the time, every day, every minute of the hour. Codependency might not be a cute look, but fuck that. I’d gladly glue myself to his side if I could.
Right now we’re out by the woods, our sweaty bodies tangled together as we come down from our latest fuck-a-thon. We spend all our time out here now, ever since Carter and Ozymandias walked in on us the other day. Then the day after, Avery and Sebastian walked in on us.
Needless to say, our horny asses have been banished to the wilderness.
He’s curled around me, his front against my back, his cool breath on the back of my neck keeping me comfortable. I love being in his arms. I feel safe, secure, and satisfied. It’s like nothing in my life can ever go wrong again.
Graduation is coming up soon and we couldn’t be more excited. Thankfully, Daniel’s parents didn’t disown him for the little stunt we pulled at his engagement dinner. They’re not pleased, obviously, but Daniel’s promised to dedicate his time at Harvard to working through the issues with the company. If anyone can save a sinking ship, it’s him. I have no doubt he’ll be his parents’ knight in shining armor.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I can’t say the same. My dad made good on his promise and left my ass in the cold. He took away the trust fund and credit cards, anything that tied me to him in any sort of financial way. I’m lucky Armory Prep charges upfront or else I’d be finding myself on a plane back to New York. Despite all that, I’ve never been happier.
Since Harvard obviously isn’t in the picture anymore, I’ve applied for UMass Boston’s fall program. I decided that I’m going to go into social work. It’s a far stretch from the future I was supposed to have, but I think it’s where I’ll be happiest. I’m even excited to get a part-time job before then. I don’t know why it fills me with a nervous, giddy energy, but I think I’ll be happy to finally have something that I’ve earned myself. Daniel keeps telling me I don’t have to worry about money, but fuck that. I already told him he can pay the rent on our apartment and that’s it.
Our apartment. We’re going to be living together.
Sometimes I think this is a dream, that I’ve drank myself into some alcoholic coma where everything in my life is perfect. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this is what my life is like now.
But then I look at him.