Page 60 of One Lovely Lie

I don’t fucking care about causing a fucking scene, not when my future has been fundamentally decided without me. “How the fuck did I get into a university I didn’t apply to?”

“I applied for you, of course,” my father snorts, rolling his eyes at me. “Did you ever think theywouldn’taccept you?”

I shake my head but it doesn’t surprise me that money has once again bought Michael Black whatever he wants. I’m enraged, I’m disgusted, and I’m still slightly shocked by the news of Daniel’s engagement.

He’s fucking engaged.

“I’m not going to fucking Germany.”

“Then you won’t get a dime from us,” my father says through gritted teeth. He looks once again over his shoulder before shoving my back against the wall, grabbing me by my nape and squeezing until tears spring up in my eyes. “I knew you’d be an ungrateful little shit about this. What’s the fucking problem, Magnus? It’s just Germany. Get the fuck over it and get the fuck over yourself.”


“Enough about Daniel!”

My head rears back when this outburst comes from the person I least expected it to. My mother, who’s usually been a neutral presence in my life, is the last person I thought would snap at me. My mouth hangs open as she violently downs her entire drink and shoves it into my father’s hands.

“Stop acting like a fucking child. That man is better off without your poisonous influence. He’s going to marry that lovely young lady, have a hoard of beautiful children, and succeed beyond your wildest fucking dreams. He’ll be everything that you couldn’t give us.”

Despite my heart cracking and my hairline sweating, I shake my head. “He’sgay.”

“And your father fucks his secretary but you don’t see me complaining,” she barks at me. “This isbusiness, Magnus. He’s marrying that girl for business reasons and you’re going to Germany for business reasons. He just happens to understand what you can’t get through your thick skull.”

“He’s never even mentioned her,” I argue because I know my Daniel and I know he’d never do this to me. He’d never let me fall in love with him when he was always planning on marrying somebody else.

He’d never crack me open just to not pick up the pieces.

My father has the fucking nerve to look smug. “He didn’t tell you he spent all winter break with the girl? Took her around town, went to dinners, attended a few charity events?”

I shake my head slowly as I swallow lead. “No, he didn’t.”

“Because he’s looking out for his future thatyouwon’t be a part of,” my mother concludes, crossing her arms over her chest as if she’s done with this conversation, done with me. “I swear, I have no idea what that boy sees in you. You’ve always been such a fuck up.”

That’s not possible. Daniel didn’t know about this. He kept this quiet for another reason. He’s not marrying that girl. This isn’t happening to me.

This isn’t happening tous.

My mother’s words still sting though. Is he really better off without me? I can see all the moments of my life replaying, all of the incorrect paths I’ve chosen. According to my parents, I do screw everything up. According to them, I’m not good enough for Daniel.Thislife is what he deserves. Not me.

“Now, enough of this,” my father says, straightening his suit jacket and slicking back his hair. “You will go to Mannheim, you will get a wonderful education, and you will come to work for the company. That’s final, Magnus.”

And the scary part is, it feels like it.

Chapter 20


“Mother, what the fuck was that?”

My mother bristles at my tone, but she doesn’t crack or even bother looking apologetic. “Do not curse at me, Daniel. Whatever are you referring to?”

“Florence? Engaged?” I deadpan, trying to hold back my rage because I don’t want to cause a scene. “I did not agree to that.”

My father huffs beside me, still wearing a grin he doesn’t deserve. “What did you think you were doing with her during winter break? Sightseeing?”

“Um, yes because that’s what you told me I was doing.”

“Don’t be naive, sweetheart,” my mother chides, reaching over to straighten my jacket without a care in the world. “You knew what you were doing. We’ve taught you enough about what courting looks like.”