“The most fun!” I yell back, running my hands up and down his chest, my hips pressed provocatively against his as we grind together. “Fuck, I wish there was somewhere private we could go, just the two of us.”
He shoots me a look that tells me not to even go there. Judging from his raging hard-on, I guess he’s also disappointed we can’t do that. Bathroom blowjobs? No, thank you. “That’ll have to wait for later. We can pop another Molly when this one dies down and go at it all night.”
Now that’s a thought I can get along with.
When “Bad Bitches” comes on, I throw my arms up in the air, shaking my hips in a way I normally wouldn’t. I let the music and Magnus’s hands carry me through the club. I close my eyes and let his smell invade my senses, let my body take control, let it all loose and free.
I feel his lips on mine and I open eagerly. His tongue slips in and caresses mine with an almost feral hunger. My hands are everywhere—tugging at his belt, clawing up his back, diving into his hair—anywhere I can reach. It feels freeing doing this in front of other people, almost like we’re a couple.
I moan into his mouth when he digs his tented pants against my crotch and forces my neck back so he can lick a sloppy stripe to my ear.
“I’m going to get us water!” he shouts, nipping at my neck once more before releasing me. “Stay here, baby! I’ll be right back!”
I nod like a lovestruck idiot and just keep dancing. I feel someone’s hands on my hips and my body immediately recognizes them as not Magnus’s. I turn around to tell the person off when I see it’s just Ozymandias.
His usually perfectly coiffed hair is all over the fucking place and he has lipstick stains dotting his collarbones. “Were you two just making out?”
“It’s the drugs!” I shout without thinking, continuing to dance to the beat.
He rolls his eyes and wipes some sweat off his lip. “Sure, because I’m rolling and I want to make out with you too.”
“Can you mind your own business?” I snap at him because he’s seriously killing my vibe. We’re all on drugs. This is not the appropriate time to be thinking.
He smirks and pats my back. “Why would I when it’s so fun getting involved in yours?”
I spot Carter over his shoulder, making out with the girl the two of them were dancing with, and I cackle like some sort of movie villain. I up nod my chin in their direction. “Did your threesome not work out? Or is it Carter’s cock you were wanting to ride?”
“You little…” He looks like he wants to hit me but we both know he won’t. Instead, he flicks me off and shoves me away gently. “Touché, you little fucker. Touché.”
I laugh at him as he skulks away into the throng of people. Once he’s gone, I stand on the tip of my toes and look over the crowd. When I spot Magnus, a smile automatically takes over my face, but it’s quickly replaced with a frown when I see who he’s talking to.
The guy is fucking gorgeous. Tall, dark, and beautiful with a leather jacket and everything to complete that moody, mysterious look. Mystery man smiles widely at Magnus, reaching out to wipe his sweaty hair off his head. Magnus throws his head back with a laugh and Mystery man puts his hand on his elbow, leaning toward him, and getting way too close to his face.
Magnus doesn’t push him off. He doesn’t take a step back. He has that same toothy smile on his face that he gives me.
I can’t breathe. The people around me are no longer a comforting throng of warmth and acceptance, but a tidal wave that’s pulling me underwater and suffocating me.
Seeing him with that guy, it makes my blood boil. Magnus and I are not a couple, we’re not official, and he’s not breaking any promises by flirting with someone else, but it still hurts.
Because after me, therewillbe somebody else. There will be multiple somebodies. I’m just a way for him to pass the time from now until the end of the year.
The music is too loud. I can’t hear my own thoughts. I can’t think. I can’t breathe. It smells terrible. I throw my hands over my ears, freediving into the worst trip I’ve ever had as I stagger through the bodies, trying to find an exit.
“Hey! Daniel! Wait!”
I don’t stop until I’m outside and the cold air hits me like a truck. The music inside is nothing but a muffled blur and I take in a deep, cool breath.
“Yo, what the fuck was that? Are you okay?”
I can’t even look at him right now. I place both my hands against the wall of the club and hang my head between them. I try to mentally count to a hundred because the drugs are fucking me up and I don’t want to say anything I shouldn’t.
But it comes out anyway.
“Why don’t you just go back to the guy at the bar?”
“What?” he asks, confusion riddled on his flushed face. “What are you talking about?”
“The one you were flirting with,” I snap, pushing myself off the wall and stalking toward him. “Leave me here and go back. He looked like a good time. Maybe he’ll let you fuck him in the bathroom, huh? Wouldn’t that be nice?”