Either way, he is the provider of drinks and common sense—so fucking weird—so I just give him a smile. “You look nice.”
“Nice enough to make out with me?”
“What the fuck? What?” I ask, choking on my drink as I stare at him. “Youwant to make out withme?”
“No,” he says slowly, rolling his eyes like I’m an idiot. “I want to make out withsomebody. It’s been so long that I think my balls are going to fall off.”
“Thanks for that visual,” I cringe, shaking my head. Avery has an unusually high sex drive, it borders on unhealthy. I would know. I live with him. He doesn’t bring many guys over, preferring his own hand, but I’ve definitely had to borrow his soundproof headphones on more than one occasion when his masturbation reached the overly enthusiastic level.
Never would have taken the man as a screamer.
“Woah, he’s here!”
I drag my eyes away from Magnus to the clearing in front of me. Someone I don’t recognize makes his way to the party. He has a sparkly pink tank top that cuts off at his midriff, showing off his smooth skin. His bright blue jeans are tight, skintight, which probably displays every curve of his ass. He’s cute…if I were into somebody like him—thin and tiny, even smaller than me.
But no, I like them taller and a bit more masculine with large thighs, dark eyes, and smooth hair I want to tug on as he sucks my—
Stop it, goddamn it.No. More. Magnus.
“That’s the new kid,” Ozymandias says, appearing next to us with a tiny blonde girl tucked under his shoulder. “Um…Sebastian, I think?”
That’s one of the perks of being the richest kid in a school of rich kids. Ozymandias always knows all the information first. I glance over at Avery to see that his jaw has dropped, I swear I see a little bit of drool leave his lips as his gaze follows Sebastian across the party.
“Avery, stop that,” I say, nudging him with my elbow.
He doesn’t take his eyes off Sebastian but reaches down to readjust his crotch shamelessly. “Stop what?”
“He wants you to stop making serial killer eyes at the new kid,” Ozymandias says, earning a giggle from his female companion of the night.
“I’m not makingserial killereyes at him,” Avery scoffs, adjusting his crotch again.
“Ew, seriously. Stop it!” I say, slapping Avery’s hand away from his pants.
Avery swoons. “He’s really pretty. I want to paint him.”
“Man, how many times do I have to tell you, you don’t paint?” I roll my eyes. Seriously, his portrait of me came out looking like a drunken ten-year-old drew it.
“No, but I can write a poem for him,” he says, green eyes bright with his latest idea.
Ozymandias scoffs. “Bruh, you can’t write poetry either.”
Avery ignores him as he hands me his cup. I give him a questioning look as he heads off in Sebastian’s direction. “What are you doing?”
“I’m just going to say hi,” he calls back to me.
“Avery… Oh, fuck it,” I mutter, not bothering to bring him back as he stalks toward Sebastian like a wolf going after a baby bunny.
“Oh, this shit is going to be hilarious,” Ozymandias laughs like Magnus would as he enjoys the fruit of chaos around him.
“Don’t be a dick,” I laugh, handing him one of the full cups. “He’s going to scare the poor guy. He’s too intense.”
“Eh, maybe it’ll work out,” he says with a shrug. He looks down at the girl wrapped around him and slaps her ass. “Here, babe. Give me a minute.”
The petite blonde simply smiles at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek before sauntering away to rejoin her friends.
“You know, this could be you,” he says, gesturing over at the girls that are currently giggling at him. Ozymandias is seriously hot. He almost lives up to his namesake ofking of kings. It’s no surprise that he pulls every girl that so much as blinks at him.
“Don’t know if you remember but I’m gay as fuck,” I say, gesturing at my crotch. “The second he gets up for a girl, I’ll make my move.”