The inside of the Svenson’s store was massive, a mini-Costco in Loganville. Seeing as we were miles from any other big box outfit, George was wise to stock what he could for the residents.

“They’re not Gucci, but they’ll fit,” I offered, gesturing at the selection.

Simone rolled her eyes. “Is that really what you think of me?” she asked, shaking her head. “That I need Gucci?”

I grinned, but as I brushed a strand of hair out of her scowling face, someone yelled across the store. “HOLY SHIT! SIMONE SUMMERS?!”

Blood drained out of my face, and time seemed to slow down as Simone and I turned in unison to see a twenty-something kid rushing across the aisles toward us, his face dumbfounded, and his phone out. “Is that really you?!”

I didn’t need to be told he was snapping photos, and it took me too long to react, putting myself between Simone and the stranger.

“Fuck off,” I growled at the boy.

He balked. “No, you fuck off, buddy!”

My eyes popped, and Simone tugged on my arm. “Don’t, Brooks.”

“Lev!” George Svenson called out, appearing from the back of the store. “Why are you harassing the customers?”

I gaped at the owner, my fist curled to strike, but George stared helplessly at me. “What’s going on?”

“You know this guy, George?” I hissed.

“He’s my nephew—visiting from Denver. Forgive him, Brooks. He’s not well versed in our ways.”

I wasn’t placated, but Simone pulled on me again. “Just leave him, Brooks.”

“You are Simone Summers, aren’t you?” Lev insisted, raising his phone again.

“LEV!” George barked, ripping the device from the boy’s hand. “Have some respect!”

The young man finally showed a smidgen of shame, but his eyes remained fixed on Simone.

“Can we get out of here?” Simone muttered, staring at the ground.

“Yep. But first, what size are your feet?” She pointed at a rack, and I grabbed as many pairs as I could handle. “Put these on my tab. I’ll be back later in the week,” I informed George.

“Yeah, yeah, no problem, Brooks. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

I herded Simone out of the store, and we silently headed back to the cabin, her hands twisting the whole way back.

It wasn’t until we were almost home that I quipped, “See what I mean about the outside world?”

She grimaced but didn’t respond, and I took her hand. I didn’t want to admit that I was secretly glad it had gone so badly.

You’re more one of us than you care to admit,I thought triumphantly.



At least I have boots that fit now,I mused, trudging through the snow two days after the events in town. It was almost comical in hindsight, but at the moment, being accosted had shaken me more than I cared to admit.

Had that really been my life a few months ago?

What was more was that I’d enjoyed it, the fame and notoriety. And I still missed it. What was wrong with me?
