I waited to see if she would respond. But there were no further texts tonight. I was determined to win all of her, not just her body, and this might take a little time. I would be patient. At least, that’s what I was telling myself.

- 23 -


“Here’syourflavoredwater,Nicole. Enjoy,” Matt said.

I thanked him and wandered out to the deck, looking at the pool. Lexi followed me out.

“I have fond memories of this swimming pool,” I said, looking at Lexi with a sly grin.

“Not near as fond as my memories are of this pool,” she declared. “Thanks for deserting me that night.”

“You’re welcome.”

She hugged me. “You’re the bestest friend I could ever have.”

“So what’s for dinner? Baby bump is getting hungry, and something smells good.”

“Matt is making a roasted chicken dish with garlic smashed potatoes and green beans. I might be a great baker, but he’s the better cook. My dessert contributions are creme brulee and a flourless chocolate torte.”

“That all sounds delicious. You should invite me over to dinner more often.” It was too cold to stay outside, so we went in to stand by the gas fireplace.

The doorbell rang, and Lexi answered it. “Come in, Dan. You have just enough time for a drink before dinner is served. Mad Chef Matt is in the kitchen. Grab a beer or have him fix you a drink.”

Dan and I looked at each other in surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming,” I sputtered, sounding stupid.

“I didn’t know I was coming either until a few hours ago. I think Matt made too much food, and I know he hates having leftovers clutter up his refrigerator,” Dan responded. He wore my favorite jeans that showed off his best assets and a tight distressed gray t-shirt that got hung up on his biceps and stretched across his back. His hair had been trimmed, and he flashed me a big smile. Damn, even his teeth were nice to look at.

“I’ll just get that beer now and see if Matt needs any help. I’m a great table setter. I can lay out those forks, knives, and spoons like a champ.” He purposefully brushed by me on his way to the kitchen, and I took in a big whiff of him. Nope, his musky essence didn’t smell a thing like wimpy little flowers. My insides quivered, and I resisted the urge to fan myself.

Lexi looked at me and grinned.

“Shut up,” I muttered. “This is not a good idea.”

“Just enjoy yourself, Nik. Enjoy dinner and the evening. You deserve it.”

I didn’t deserve anything of the sort. I stared at her hard. “Oh, all right. I’ll enjoy dinner,” I relented.

Matt and Dan were good friends and clearly had mutual respect for one another. I liked watching how Dan interacted with people. He truly was one of the nicest guys, other than that Cyrus bowling thing.

“Can I get you another drink, babe?” Matt asked Lexi as he got up. She nodded, and he quickly refreshed her glass, leaning over to give her a light kiss on the cheek.

“That is so sweet,” I said.

Matt looked at me like he wasn’t sure if I was being a smartass or not.

“Thank you?” he said.

“I mean it. You guys are so good together. I can’t wait for the wedding. I plan to cry my eyes out, not just sniffle like I’m doing right now.” I swallowed a lump in my throat.

“Hormones?” Lexi asked.

I nodded. Hopefully, the guys took that as code forthat time of the month.

“Who wants to hear a funny story about Lexi?” I asked, trying to get on solid footing. The guys were all ears, so I told them about Lexi’s baking experiment with the kiwi and peanuts. It had become known as the Kiwi incident, and Nana loved to tell the story even more than I did.

“Who hasn’t tried and failed in the kitchen at least once?” Lexi asked in protest.