“Just to warn you then, I haven’t bowled since last year’s tournament.”
“Same here. I’m hoping it will be like riding a bike.”
We set up at our lane and wondered who we would be bowling against.
“I hope whoever it is, they suck,” Heather said, looking around. Her face dropped when she saw Nana Mae and Angus come up and sit down beside us.
“So. This is how it’s going to be?” Nana said, steely-eyed.
“Oh yes,” Heather said, trying to stare her down. She couldn’t and burst into laughter. “Whatever happens, I still love you,” she said and hugged her.
I looked around for Nicole. The games were about to begin, and she had to be here somewhere. I finally spotted her walking with shoes and ball in hand, laughing at something Cyrus said. My gut clenched. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. Her dark hair was in a high ponytail and swished back and forth as she walked. She looked vibrant, healthy, and happy. But she was with a guy who wasn’t me. If jealousy really were the color green, I’d look like the Incredible Hulk right now.
I knew the minute she saw me. Her eyes looked at me warmly and then darted over in curiosity to see who my bowling partner was. She spied Heather, and a flash of something crossed her face before it was gone.
Cyrus touched her arm and pointed to the lane next to ours. They made their way over to it. Great, I wanted to keep an eye on them, but I wasn’t expecting a front and center seat.
Cyrus had a cocky smile as he started to say hello to us all, but it faltered when he saw the scowl on my face. “Hi, guys. Boy, it looks like you’ve got a good match here. I’m not sure who’s going to win.” He turned to Nicole. “Heather here is a pretty good bowler.”
Nicole looked at Heather. “Hey,” she said with a nod. “Nana Mae is a great bowler too. At least that’s what she’s been telling me.”
We began our respective games, and I tried to concentrate, but it was hard to tune them out. Every time Nicole laughed, I looked over with a scowl. Heather noticed my face.
“What’s wrong?” she whispered over at me.
“Every time she does that loud laugh, it breaks my concentration.”
“I don’t think so. Your bowling has been stellar,” she remarked. “Keep getting distracted and frowning. It’s working. Looks like we’re going to win.”
And we did win. Nana was not happy but grudgingly accepted it.
“You’re in the way,” I said pointedly at Nicole. I needed to roll the last ball to clear the pins. She gave me a hurt look and moved back to her seating area. I felt like a jerk, but I couldn’t seem to help myself.
They finished soon after, and judging by the hugging between Cyrus and Nicole, they had won. My hands were fisted as I watched while pretending not to watch. Shit, this still felt like a high school dance.
Ronny, looking important with his clipboard, came up. “Looks like you and Heather are playing Cyrus and Nicole next.”
Great. Just great. As if I hadn’t had enough torture watching Nicole be with someone else, I had to continue to watch them through another game.
To say it was strained was an understatement. Nicole was a pretty good bowler and knew how to use her slight hook to her advantage. Every time she bent over to get her ball and lined up for the throw, my eyes were stuck on her beautiful ass in her tight jeans. I thought about cupping my hands on that ass and felt myself growing hard. I jumped up, went to the back of the lane, and downed my beer.
My game was off now, and I grew increasingly frustrated. I stiffened every time Cyrus touched her, even if it was just a high five.
“Excuse me. We need a tiny bathroom break. Come on, Nicole, let’s go,” said Heather. She grabbed Nicole’s hand and pulled her towards the ladies’ room.
I glared at Cyrus, making him squirm.
He opened his mouth to talk, then closed it. After a few seconds, he opened it again. “So I had gotten the impression you didn’t mind if I asked her out.”
“That was before,” I growled. “Now I do mind. I mind a lot.”
“Okay, that’s cool. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. I didn’t know you two had a thing.”
We finished the game from hell, and Nicole and Cyrus took the win. Fine with me. I wanted to get the fuck out of there. I didn’t like being a jealous asshole. I was much more comfortable being the friendly, easy-going guy in town.
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