“As expected. My dad gave me a look of total disgust and left the room. My mom told me she didn’t want to be a grandmother, so she wasn’t going to be one.”
Lexi shook her head in disbelief. “That’s so messed up.”
“Again, they win the shittiest parents award.”
“Well, you told them, and you know where everything stands now. You’ve done your part.”
I put my hand protectively on my stomach and glowered. “This baby will never be a part of their lives, and I’m glad. I don’t want them poisoning her with their psycho-sick relationship and their total inability to feel anything for anyone other than themselves.”
“That’s the spirit,” Lexi pumped her fist.
“Hell ya,” I agreed. I continued to eat until I felt a little better.
“I’ll see you at your apartment. I’m leaving the car for you because Buddy and I will walk. I wonder what the baby would like for dinner?
I know. Let’s go out and eat burgers at Jocko’s. With a side salad instead of fries.”
“If I have to,” Lexi said, sighing about the salad. “Fries for an appetizer?”
“Sure. But no dessert. I prefer my quota of sugar to come out of this little white bag in my hands.”
I left with a lighter step and wondered why. Maybe it was relief. It was like telling your parents you got a bad grade on your report card—at least, that’s what other kids went through—once you told them, you took your punishment and moved on. The waiting and not telling seemed to be the worst part.
I bit my lip. Maybe I should try that with Dan. No, I would hold off telling him. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t think I would be able to handle the punishment.
- 20 -
“So,haveyoutalkedto her?” Bennett asked. He went in for a layup with the ball, but I blocked him.
“No. I’m giving her space.”
“So she’ll come to her senses?” He shot from the outside and made it.
I took the ball back. “I’m not giving up. I’m just giving her some time to figure things out. I’m going to slow way down so she’ll hopefully start trusting me.”
“Sounds like a good plan. Except…”
“Except what? You can’t block me without fouling me?”
“No. I heard she is partnering with Cyrus in the amateur bowling tournament.
“You’re kidding me.” I shouldered him out of the way and aggressively went for the basket. I was pissed. Why would she give that guy the time of day? He wasn’t good enough for her.
“Hey,” Bennett elbowed me before reaching for the rebound.
I frowned. “Sorry. It just took me by surprise.”
I stopped playing and stood there, thinking. This bowling tournament was something the town did every year, and each team consisted of two players. I hadn’t entered this year yet. In truth, I’d kind of forgotten about it. My mind had been on other things. On one female, to be precise. And I could kick myself for not asking her to be in the tournament with me. Now it was too late. I scratched at my scruffy chin and gave Cyrus the evil eye in my mind.
“Are we done here?” Bennett asked. “Because it looks like you forgot how to dribble the ball.”
“Daddy, come see what I drew!” Chloe called to him from the corner of the asphalt court. Her palms and knees were covered in different colors of sidewalk chalk.
“Okay, sweetie,” Bennett answered, walking over. “I just finished beating Big Dan anyway.” He looked back with a smirk. I would have given him the finger if Chloe wasn’t watching. I followed him over so I could ooh and ahh at her artwork too.
“Chloe, that’s impressive,” I said as I admired her drawings.