“And I love you for it.” I blew her a kiss.

“I’m going to wait for a while, though. This will just give her more to complain about and will, no doubt, fuel my dad’s disappointment in me.”

- 10 -


“Thanksfortakingmehere. A gal can only survive on fruits and vegetables and chicken breasts for so long,” Nana said as she looked around for a prime table. “Please don’t ask me to play pool, though. I’d wipe the table with you.”

My eyebrows rose as I looked at her.

“I was just kidding. Don’t let me anywhere near those pool tables. I stink at it,” Nana said. “Let’s sit here. I can watch the doors and see who comes in.”

“Is this a Western movie? Are you expecting trouble to come through those swinging doors?”

“Nope. Just want to watch the comings and goings.”

“So you took Nicole here?” I looked around at the 70s biker vibe. And by 70s, I meant built and decorated in the 1970s and never updated. I pulled out her chair at our table near the big framed Lynyrd Skynyrd poster. “It’s probably a far cry from the cool hip bars she’s used to in the city.”

“True, but the burgers are delicious. Freddy’s run the kitchen since you were in diapers. That’s a long time to learn how to get the burgers perfect. And don’t get me started on the loaded tots.”

We ordered, and while we waited for our perfect burgers, we drank our adult beverages—beer for me and a mojito for Nana Mae.

“So,” she said, sitting up straight and looking serious. “I’ve got something to ask.”

“Oh boy. I might regret saying this but go ahead. What’s on your mind, Mae?”

“I could beat around the bush, but I’m not very good at that, so I’ll just come right out and ask it.”

I was a grown-ass man, and yet I held my breath, waiting for Nana to unload on me.

“Are you going to run for mayor?”

That was not what I was expecting. “Nope. Why?”

“Just checking on my sources. I can see they’re not to be trusted with accurate info.”

“You can’t get good gossip these days,” I said, shaking my head.

“Since you’re always getting things done without even being a mayor, I have a request,” she said. “Could you see to it that we get more places that serve fancy drinks with little umbrellas?”

I barked out a laugh. “Mae, you’re one of a kind. I’m glad I know you.”

Our food came, and I dove on my burger. It was char-broiled and messy—just the way I liked it.

Nana pushed her glasses up her nose and wagged a finger at me. “On to other business. When are you going to make your move on Nicole? I don’t expect that girl to be single for long. She’s the total package, don’t you think?”

I almost choked, trying to swallow my bite of burger ahead of chewing it. I grabbed my beer and washed it down. “Don’t you think I’m old enough to pick out my own girlfriends?”

“All I’m sayin is in case you haven’t noticed, she’s a keeper. You two could make beautiful music together.”

“Eat your tots, Mae.”

Nicole: We’re back a little earlier than expected. We decided to have a game night. Care to join us? Matt says he needs some more testosterone in the house. I think he’s worried about losing to the females.

Me: So if he loses to me, that’s okay?

Nicole: Yep.