“We can arrange for a paternity test. Then you’ll believe me.”
Derek glanced around as if looking for an escape route. I thought back to when I first found out, and I could understand his look of total shock.
I tried to be a little nicer. “The question now is how do we proceed from here?”
“You’re going to get rid of it, right? I don’t want a baby now or ever. This would really fuck up my life plans.”
I stared at him hard. “No, I’m not going to get rid of it.”
He sneered at me, his handsome boy-next-door face turning ugly. “I don’t want it! I will have nothing to do with it. If you’re keeping it, it’sallon you.”
“Well, legally, you do have a financial responsibility. But you know what? I don’t want you to have anything to do with this baby either. Then maybe she or he won’t turn out to be an asshat like you.”
“Fuck you,” he said with a growl.
“Too late,” I said with a super-sweet smile. “I will have my attorney draw up papers relieving you of any responsibility and any claim to the child.”
“I’ll sign. Just keep that kid away from me.”
“For sure. But someday, when my child wants to know who their daddy is, I won’t lie. I will tell them your name. They have a right to know the name of the man who abandoned them.”
“Go to hell, Nicole,” he said and walked towards the door, bumping into people in his haste to get away.
“You too, Derek. And buy yourself some condoms that work!” I yelled after him.
Some people turned to look at me, and I just stared them down. I knew how to look tough on the outside while going to pieces on the inside. I’d had plenty of practice growing up.
I finished my water, wishing it was something stronger, then walked out into the rain. I tilted my face up and let the drops hit my face. They mingled with the tears I couldn’t hold back any longer. I had never felt more alone than I did at this moment.
By the time I got to Lexi’s apartment, I knew I looked pathetic, like a drowned rat. I shed my coat just inside the door and headed for a warm shower. Lexi kept the lease on this place for the times she came to the city to oversee her bakery. Plus, she and Matt liked to come for occasional weekend getaways. Worked for me. She had a very comfortable couch I could sleep on.
After the shower, I dried off and had a talk with the girl in the mirror.
“You can do this, Nicole. You can do hard things. You will be okay. The baby will be okay. You have made a choice, and you’re going to do this the best you can. You are enough,” I said to the mirror.
I nodded at me and gave myself a fist bump. But I didn’t feel a whole lot better. I needed to find some Brene Brown podcasts to help bolster me. For now, I’d settle for some sweats from Lexi’s closet.
Me: Hey, I’m feeling pizza. Does that sound good to you?
Lexi: Are you really going to lead with that?
Me: It went as expected. We can talk while stuffing our faces with pizza.
Lexi: I’ll pick it up on my way home.
Me: I’ll order us a salad too. If I have to eat more vegetables, so do you.
Lexi: I like salads as long as they’re coated in dressing.
I sat cross-legged on the couch and stared at the blank TV. I didn’t feel like turning it on yet, although watching reality TV would make my life look much better than theirs.
I thought about texting Dan, but that probably wasn’t a good idea. I liked him, and I liked our friendship, but I didn’t want to use him as a crutch. I wondered when to tell him about the baby. Not yet. I put my hand on my belly tentatively. This tiny mustard seed would stay my little secret for now. I didn’t want Dan to judge me or run the other way. Not yet.
I thought about his deep green eyes and captivating smile. It took little effort for me to replay the steamy kiss, and my insides turned warm and gooey.
My phone buzzed, and I noted with surprise that it was a text from Dan. He must have sensed I was thinking about him. I felt caught in the act and blushed. That was ridiculous. It wasn’t like he could see me or anything.
Dan: How’s the Big Apple?