“Ooh, are you going all tall, dark, and mysterious on me?” she asked, sensing the tension and trying to diffuse it.

I flipped over on my stomach to look at her. I fingered a lock of her hair without even realizing I was doing it. “If I let people in to see my secret skeletons, then they wouldn’t be secret any longer.”

She sighed. “Fair enough.”

I rolled back over, and we both listened to the music while lost in our own thoughts. I could feel the heat off her body, and I nudged my hand a little closer until my pinky lightly touched the back of her hand. She didn’t pull away like I thought she might.

Now, this just felt right, and I smiled in the dark.

- 5 -


“There.IchangedyourIV bag, and you’re all set. The good doctor will be in to see you this afternoon.” I smiled at the grandfatherly man in the hospital bed and leaned in to whisper, “If you want to get your beauty sleep, now is the time. I won’t be bugging you again for a while.”

“Okay, dear. Thank you.”

I liked this gig. The staff was so helpful and seemed appreciative that I was there. The hospital was only a few years old, with all the latest and best a small hospital could offer. I liked walking outside on my breaks and taking a lap or two through the gardens on the grounds. There were still some vibrant yellow and orange mums in pots, plus plenty of lush grass and evergreens to feast my eyes on. I bet this place really did it up nice for the holidays. The evergreens would make perfect Christmas trees, and I was glad I would still be here to see them.

I liked the patients too. There were always a cranky few, but that was understandable given their discomfort and the strange surroundings they found themselves in. I knew not to take it personally. The nice ones were the majority, and I counted it a good day if I could make them smile and help them to feel more comfortable.

What I also really liked was working shorter days. 9:30 to 6:00 was perfect. Mornings to sleep in or exercise, but mostly sleep in. I was in my first trimester, so I could blame all the sleeping on that. I put my hand on my stomach unconsciously.

And in the evenings, I could get together with friends. Okay, so I only had Lexi, Matt, and Dan as friends so far, but some of the nurses had made noises about getting together soon.

Would they still want to be friends after they found out I was pregnant? Or would they back off, thinking it was catchy? I had to tell Lexi about it soon. She would be hurt I hadn’t told her right away, but I still wasn’t ready yet. Thank God I felt pretty good, or she would have known something was up.

My phone buzzed with a text. I glanced at it quickly, and my heart did a little jump when I saw it was Dan.

When my break came, I hurried into the breakroom and called him.

“Hi there,” he said.

I was happy to hear his voice. “Hi yourself. What’s up?”

“I wanted to hear how your first couple of days have gone. How about you catch me up over dinner tonight? Unless your social calendar is already booked up?”

“I have a date with my microwave mac and cheese, but a dinner out sounds way better. I think I can cancel my previous engagement,” I said.

“Great. Is Italian okay?”

“Sounds wonderful. Pick me up at 7:00? Or should I pick you up? Might be a little chilly for a motorcycle ride.”

“I’ve got a car. I’ll be there to get you at 7:00.”

The rest of the day flew by in happy anticipation. Even if this wasn’t a date, I could look forward to dinner with a friend. I mean, I enjoyed going out to dinner with Nana too.

When I got home and told Nana what I was doing, she wanted to help me dress for my not-date.

“Wear this sexy black number,” Nan advised as she pulled it out of my closet.

“No, Nana. I told you, we’re just friends.”

“Bah. I don’t believe it.”

I ignored that and said, “Dan doesn’t seem like the get-dressed-up type. So I’m going for a more casual look.

I settled on black leggings, an off-the-shoulder soft baby blue sweater, and chunky black heels.