Dan: How did I not know this? It’s not every day I get to learn such an important piece of trivial information

Me: You’re welcome

Little did Dan know, but he was the perfect book-boyfriend type. He had all the elements women loved, minus the bad boy trope. But he did have a motorcycle, so that checked a box for me. I fanned my suddenly hot face and picked my baby book back up.

Dan: So a movie tomorrow night? Does that work?

Me: Sure. As long as buttered popcorn is involved.

Dan: I feel slightly used.

Me: I’ll buy the popcorn.

Dan: What type of movie would you prefer? Slasher, military, thriller, or rom-com? Based on my newly-gained wisdom, I’m going to guess rom-com.

Me: Bingo. I’m a hopeless romantic. Don’t be critical.

Dan: Like OMG! Me too!!

Me: Great! We’ll compare notes and see if we swoon at the same scenes. You’re not a crier, are you?

Dan: Real men cry. Bring tissues.

Me: You’re funny. It’s a not-date, then. See you tomorrow night.

I laughed. He always made me feel good. I returned to my pregnancy book, and what I read made sense and was comforting. I would be hitting the milestones, just like all expectant women before me had. By the time I turned off my light, I felt I had a better handle on this pregnancy now. Like I’d gotten a little control back in my life. I slept like a—ahem—baby.

Work flew by, which was good. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was really looking forward to spending time with Dan.

“Nana. I don’t need any help picking out what I’m wearing tonight. We’re just two friends going to the movies. It’s not a big deal,” I protested as Nana flung a few shirts at me from my closet.

“Are you going for sexy or understated elegance tonight?” she asked.

“Um, how about comfy?”

She pulled out a buffalo plaid shirt and a tight black tank top. “Here, put these on, and let’s see how it looks.”

I did, along with some black jeans and booties.

Nana nodded her head in approval. “That works. Casual, trendy, and won’t show anything when you spill the buttered popcorn. And the tight tank top screams sexy. Good Lord, did your boobs grow?”

My eyes grew big, and I dramatically rushed to the mirror. “Do you think so? That would be an answer to a prayer, wouldn’t it?!” I slapped a disappointed look on my face as I judged myself critically. “It’s probably a temporary hormone thing.” Technically, that wasn’t a lie.

“Thanks for your help dressing. Could you hang out downstairs and listen for the door? I’m going to freshen my makeup.”

Once she was gone, I looked at myself in the mirror again. My chest had indeed gotten bigger. Nice. I admired my silhouette a little longer and then got to work on my makeup.

I’d decided to go with a different scent tonight, and I felt like wearing my hair down. Having it in a twisted bun all day at work resulted in soft waves that fell over my shoulders and tumbled down my back.

I felt sexy—thanks to the chest increase—and comfortable in the flannel.

I went downstairs and saw Dan talking with Nana in the living room. My breath hitched as I drank him in. He wore a dark green brushed cotton shirt that hugged his frame and made his green eyes pop. His jeans were the same ass-hugging jeans he’d worn previously, and I was okay with that.

He stood up when he saw me, and there was a soft smile on his face.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Born ready,” I replied, trying to rein myself in. I noticed Nana had a smug expression on her face.