Page 25 of Edged

“Yes. Clients wear a sensory suit and watch video clips. The suit records their biological responses—muscle activity, perspiration, oxygen release, and heart rate. Then they watch the video clips again, this time from a totally immersive point of view. They feel like they’re in the situations. The sensors in the suit trigger their body and measure any changes in response. The combined results are spit out in a report that determines their perfect sexual fit among our consultants.”

“So… the clients watch porn and the system figures out what their kinks are?” Ryder asked with a mix of humor and respect.

“Exactly,” she replied.

Ryder’s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in them. “And you’ve taken this bio-haptics test?”

“Yes. It’s the most amazing thing,” she gushed, and reined her excitement in just a little. “It does more than uncover kinks, it goes to the core of a person’s sexuality. It’s my personal theory that the world is made up of people in denial about their sexuality. That’s why there’s violence and hate and probably war.”

He stared at her for a long moment before his mouth pulled down in grudging agreement.

“There could be some truth in that,” he allowed, then glanced at the computer screen. “Regardless, that’s quite a sophisticated process. I didn’t realize there was such advanced technology involved.”

Nita grinned, enjoying the chance to showcase how awesome the business was. “Cavendish Club is at the forefront of innovation in sexual behavior. It’s just too bad it’s limited to the ultra affluent.”

“True,” he agreed. “What happens after the clients get their test results?”

“The computer matches them with their perfect consultant, and spits out a scenario they would enjoy. When clients want a specific scenario, Georgia writes up the details for the engagement,” she explained.

“And engagement is what you guys call the sex part?” he asked.

“Yup. The engagement is held at one of the nine properties, depending on the storyline. Access is programmed into our consultants’ wristbands and the clients’ pass cards. That way, only they can access the estate and the property chosen for the engagement.”

Ryder nodded, absorbing the information. “Alright, so for this next event… uh, engagement, we have around thirty guests attending?”

“The client, her guests, and the consultants, yes. Around thirty, not including event staff,” she confirmed, clicking to bring up the details so far for Magdalena’s engagement. The title readArabian Orgy (temporary), making her smile. How often did anybody work on a project that had the word “orgy” in the title?

“That’s a significant number to secure. I’ll need to assess the layout and the plan. Have you done background checks on the guests? I’m assuming you’ll be scheduling their bio-haptics tests. Do you know which property they’ll be using?” he asked, the questions coming rapid fire.

“Um, let me see,” she said, clicking into the details page.

He reached over and rolled a chair beside her, sitting down and looking at the computer.

“Can you pull up a map of the properties as well?” he asked. “I got here early and drove up to some of them, but I don’t have a full sense of the estate’s layout.”

She looked at him for a moment, then moved the mouse to open a new window. A map of the estate opened, every property, facility and building labeled clearly.

“Where did you park?” she asked, leaning away when he leaned closer to the monitor. “If I’d seen your motorcycle, I could have been more prepared this morning.”

More like could have turned around and gone home,she thought. Even as she had the thought, her nipples contracted at what she would have missed out on downstairs if she’d done that.

“I parked behind the stables where there was an overhang in case it rained,” he murmured. “Jesus, fifty acres is a lot. Where’s the engagement happening?”

Nita bristled, hearing the frustration in his voice. She clicked on the window with the details of the engagement, but said, “You should do this. It’s the only way you’ll get familiar with the system.”

“My team won’t be arriving for at least another week,” he said. “You already know how this works and that will be helpful.”

“You know, I have a full workload. I know what Hartley said, but right here,” she explained, waving her hand at the monitor. “This is the lay of the land. It’s up to you to learn it.”

Ryder examined the details on the screen, lost in thought. “I’ll learn the system, but considering the event—”

“Engagement. Using the right terms is a good way to learn the system,” she suggested.

He sighed dramatically.

“Fine. Considering theengagementis coming up, it would be more efficient if you stay on site as my personal assistant.”

Nita arched an eyebrow, her determination resurfacing. “I can handle my responsibilities without being by your side all the time. And I have other commitments as well.”