Page 82 of Edged

“What?” he asked.

“You look like you’re a little too into the little hottie, my friend.”

“The only thing I’m into is wondering why she looks like she’s about to leave her post,” he replied.

“Maybe you should take a break and go ask her about it. I can’t say I blame you for going. She’s a knockout,” Gunner said, elbowing him.

Ryder’s jaw tightened as he tried to ignore Gunner’s teasing. He turned his attention back to the monitors, clicking through each camera view methodically, although always keeping Nita’s camera in his peripheral vision.

“All right, I’ll back off,” Gunner murmured.

Ryder was about to reply that there was nothing for him to back off of when he saw Nita spin and hurry into the dark hallway.

Whatever message she’d received, she was acting on it.

He tapped his headset and checked in with each of his guys. One by one, they gave him the all clear. He checked his phone, but neither Fontana nor Lindsey had sent him a message.

“Is everything still on schedule?” he asked Gunner, who methodically ran through all the cameras and checked the itinerary.

“Everything’s a-ok,” Gunner confirmed.

Instead of calming, his heart rate sped up.

She’d been poised to do something before a message on her phone had changed her mind. His gut made him think, maybe, she had planned to come upstairs to find him. Why, he didn’t know. It wasn’t anything deeper than a guess.

“Are you going to go find out where she’s going?” Gunner asked, his tone filled with curiosity. “Everything’s on track except for her. She’s supposed to stay there until the food is served.”

“I know,” he said, uncertain about what to do. Maybe she just had to go to the bathroom. Maybe she had an upset stomach. How stupid would he look if he burst in on her just because she needed an aspirin or something?

Maybe Luke was playing head games with her, a voice taunted in his head. What if she wanted privacy to text with him?

Now that was ridiculous and just proved how fucked up his head was when it came to her.

“Actually, if you go to find her, could you ask her to bring up some food for us?” Gunner asked, and his voice made Ryder realize he was pushing against the desk to stand up.

“Uh, I guess I could do that,” he said, pushing his chair back under the desk. “I just need to stretch my legs, maybe take a whiz.”

“Sure,” Gunner said, giving him a wink. “By the way, tell her Taurus said hi.”

Ryder shot him a warning look. “How about you just focus on your job,Taurus,” he muttered, and left the room.

He walked down the hall, realizing he really needed to piss. He veered into the next massive bedroom and flipped up the lid on the toilet, pissing a long stream into it.

She probably got some text from a friend and left because she needed a break. Why did he have to read anything more into why Nita had left her position on the mezzanine? Jesus, he was too into the “little hottie” like Gunner mentioned.

He zipped up his fly and headed back to the control room. If Nita didn’t return in ten minutes, he’d go look for her. Otherwise, he would focus on the job.

“Hey, check what’s going on over at camera seven,” Gunner said with a laugh, pointing to his monitor.

Ryder saw a threesome of men. A large man, naked except for his turban, stood as another man knelt in front, giving him a blowjob. The third man stood to the side, jerking off as the turban man watched while slapping the kneeling man with a flogger. “That guy looks like he’s in pain.”

Ryder sat at his desk and paged through the details of the engagement until he found the likeness of the turbaned client. “Light BDSM, multiple partners,” he read, skimming to the consultant they’d paired him up with. “All good. Mr. BJ likes pain.”

“Oh, right.” Gunner replied, shaking his head. “I forgot that the computer matches them all up. Shit, I’d take the test they give if I wasn’t afraid of what I’d find out.”

Ryder laughed and turned his attention back to the job.

As each minute passed and Nita didn’t appear back on the mezzanine, the tension in his chest tightened by one notch.