Page 115 of Edged

“That looks exactly like your dad’s motorcycle,” she said, which caused Blaze to jump up and down.

“It is, it is! Can I show her the forge, dad? Can we make something in it today?” Blaze asked, dragging his backpack up the steps and jingling the keys to find the one for the house.

“I guess so,” Ryder said, sliding his arm around Nita’s waist. “Go and put your things away first.”

Blaze unlocked the door with practiced ease and disappeared into the house.

Nita looked up at the brick structure, then over at the three-car garage that also seemed to have living quarters over it.

“You’ve got a pretty nice place here,” she said as he led her into the house.

“Thank you,” he replied.

“Nicer than I would have thought an ex motorcycle club and security guard would have.”

“Whoa, I think security guard is selling me short. I’m a business owner. Or at least, I was.”

“I know what Cavendish paid you, but how did you come to own a place like this?” she asked.

“I invested most of the money I made, mostly in real estate,” he replied, stopping in the large foyer to pull her against him. “In fact, I just bought a place in Seattle.”

“Oh, yeah?” she asked, see a spark of humor in his eyes.

“A certain warehouse came up for sale, and it looked like it could use a new owner, so—”

“No fucking way, that wasyou?” she almost screeched, then slapped his shoulders. “How dare you do something so romantic and keep it a secret?”

“It was a way better romantic thing than showing up in whatever these jeans are supposed to be,” he teased.

“They were supposed to be mom jeans. It was a hint that I was okay with having some kind of place in yours and Blaze’s lives,” she reprimanded.

“Oh, mom jeans,” he said, putting his head back to laugh. “Okay. I’ll give that a B-minus for effort.”

“You’re terrible, Ryder Mitchell Crawley,” she admonished, but nestled deeper into his arms. “What the hell have I signed on for?”

He slid his hand up to her neck, leaning down until their foreheads pressed together. His blue eyes shrank until she saw nothing but black pupil, making her heart flip over.

“Probably the best ride of your life,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

“The best ride ofourlives,” she whispered, pressing a short, hard kiss on his lips. “But listen up. I have something important to say.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“I love you, Ryder Mitchell Crawley,” she murmured, all humor evaporating away. She put her hand son his cheeks, staring deep into his eyes. She let everything fall away until it was just her heart shining out of her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Bombshell Vixen. I might have done from the first moment I saw your fishnets,” he murmured, his lips moving against hers.

He licked her lips, rubbed his against them, then pressed his mouth to hers in a deep, satisfying kiss. It was as close to making love as they could get with their clothes still on.

“And thanks to you,” she said, coming up for air. “Now I’m going to have to write and pass the fucking Illinois bar exam.”

He burst out in a loud laugh, grabbing her against him and swinging her around.

“That’s right, you took the bar exam. And aced it, I’ll bet, Ms. Soon-to-be-Illinois Lawyer,” he said, stopping and letting her slide down the length of his body. He lowered his head to kiss her again when a voice piped up.

“Hey, no airplane rides until bedtime,” Blaze complained, running down the staircase and grabbing Nita’s hand. “Come and see the forge.”

Nita let Blaze pull her away, but she glanced back at Ryder, ready with a joke. The look on his face, just pure love and contentment, made the teasing remark evaporate.

“Come with us, love,” she murmured, holding out her other hand.

He grinned and jogged to grab it, Blaze having to tug extra hard to pull all of them along.

Nita knew there would be many challenges ahead, but together, the three of them would face them. She predicted a crazy, thrilling, love-filled ride.