Page 62 of Grump Daddy's Baby

“Wanna bet?”

“You need your head examined,” I chide. “Didn’t you get enough action in Vegas?”

“I didn’t getanythingin Vegas.”

I can’t help but feel relieved by that statement.

Regardless, it doesn’t stop the here and now. How I don’t want things to get so sticky that I need to move out and start over.

“I’m actually really getting attached to the girls,” I manage, hoping it brings him back to the reality of the situation. “And I don’t—”

“I’m glad.”

I stop moving and narrow my eyes. “You wouldn’t want them to get hurt if I had to leave, would you?”

Kai rounds the nearest corner and I take a step back so that he can’t reach out for me. “Who said anything about leaving?”

This man.

“Okay, I need you to stop thinking with your dick right now and focus. This is serious. I’m trying to be an adult here.”

His blue eyes don’t miss their mark as he continues forward. “I am thinking.”

“Andfocus,” I repeat with a scowl. “You’re not listening.”

“Because you’re not saying anything that I haven’t thought about before and I’m days ahead of you on how this is going to go down.”

He’s thought about it?

Like, us?

Like…fuck buddies or a relationship?

No, definitely not a relationship.

A relationship would mean it would escalate into other things and Kai has been very clear about how he never wants to get married again.

I respect that.

However, I want him to respect the hell out of my decision too, and what I’m saying.


It’s the right tone and snap that gets Kai to do exactly what I want him to do and that’s to chill out for a minute so we can talk this out like adults.

“That’s better.” I straighten my spine and level myself to stand up to this man who wrecks my nerves. “Now, I understand that we’ve had some fun times—”


I roll my eyes. “What else would you like me to call it?”

“We fucked. And you swallow.”


My whole face flushes red but I try to ignore that it matters. That he affects me in every way that can make me act like a moron.

“You say that as if no one else can do that,” I retort.