Page 61 of Grump Daddy's Baby

“I have to go grab the girls,” Molly says, obviously not knowing what’s going on over here. “I’m just the nanny who wants no trouble and just wants to make my paycheck. That’s all, okay?”

“Is that all I am to you? A paycheck?”

“That’s all you have room to be.”

Molly sounds sad when she says it. As though she doesn’t want it to be this way but it is.

However, this is my life and I don’t see any problem with wanting her for myself and the other way around.

In fact, it’s not like I’m a man focused on by the media anymore so no one is watching my ass every two seconds.

“We’ll see about that when I get home,” I deadpan, and then I hang up on her.





I hear the front door to the house fly open and hit the wall, which scares the literal crap out of me. Then I hear the heavy thud of boots and the weight it holds.

I know that sound.

It’s a repetitiveness that gives me a warning that I’m about to face the man who fucked me silly months ago after a wedding that he didn’t want to go to.

Then did it again in my makeshift bedroom.

“Geezus, Kai,” I lightly chide when he comes into view, placing my palm over my thudding heart. “You scared me.”

“Come here.”

The assertiveness in his tone already hints at where he’s going. And, thankfully, the huge kitchen island is between him and me.

And I told him this morning that we’re not continuing this.

That we can’t.

I need my wits about me and I need to not be so sex-crazed with the man who’s myboss—because that’s the path I’m currently venturing down since I already know what this man can do.

“Kai…” I shoot my arm out to stop him from coming any further. “Stay over there.”

He doesn’t, and that has me countering his actions by rounding the other side of the island to keep the space between us.

“Molly, Iwillchase your ass down,” he promises through a leer. “Don’t fuck with me.”

I rock my head back and forth even though he might, but I’m not giving into this easily.

Or at all.

It’s simple.

I’m not sure why he’s fighting this or if he’s just a fan of my cunt and wants to keep it close by. What man wouldn’t want free pussy that lives in his home with no attachments?

It’s like the perfect fantasy.

But, again, my job is at stake here, and if we were to go sour so would my financial state. And it’s not something I’m looking to do again.