“What’s wrong?” Kai’s pulling a chair up next to me and I wish he wouldn’t draw the girls’ attention, but I can happily say I haven’t shed a tear yet.
Turning my head to look over at him, I’m able to hide my face from the girls a bit when I anchor onto those blue eyes. “Thank you for breakfast.”
He frowns. “You’re welcome?”
I smile through his confusion. The poor guy hasn’t even seen half the mini-breakdowns I go through every day over the dumbest crap imaginable. “You don’t have to do all this. I can—”
“I want to do all this,” he retorts softly. “It’s not a big deal. I did it before with the girls.”
“Which girls?”
Kai pinches his brows before realization crosses over his face at my teasing. “You’re an asshole,” he mutters under his breath before I lean over to kiss his stubbled cheek.
“I love you too.”
His palm lands on my knee as I return my attention to my plate. I can feel his full attention on me, hovering over me like a helicopter mom to make sure I eat, but I really don’t care.
He’s here.
And I’m back home where I belong.
If Kai needs to make sure that I sleep, eat, and actually do whatever, I’m down for it. I’d do anything he asked. As much as he’s a building block for me, I want to be the everlasting one that he can always rely on. That he can trust.
That he could one day love.
Replacingwireloomsona car is a bitch when you’re not focusing and you keep losing all your shit.
I didn’t need to do this. I just needed to get out of the house so that I didn’t maul Molly to death after the last three days she’s been home.
I’ve barely touched her.
I won’t.
Not until my brain can register that she’s here to stay and not because she needs something from me. My old habits and ways of thinking have been clogging my brain since she abandoned me and I’m registering fear that’s constantly coursing through my veins that it might happen again.
That she could break me.
I know it’s stupid and that I should be taking full advantage of it, but I know my headspace needs some time too. That I need to take this slow because, while Molly might be a frisky little thing with her hormones, I’m holding back to make sure she wants to be here.
You need to let this shit go.
I thought I had.
But, as time would have it, I can’t get out of my own way. I’m terrified that my girls are going to lose her and that I’m going to be a head case.
This is why I’ve never allowed anyone to get close to me since Olivia. This love shit is for the birds but I can’t be any other way when I’m around Molly. I’d give her the world and ask for no payment in return. I would buy her the biggest house in whatever color she wanted it and let her keep that stupid-ass Jeep because she likes it so much.
Unless I decided to pull a spark plug and tell her it’s unfixable.
I’m still deciding on that course of action. However, the moral of the story is that Molly ruined me. She did exactly what I was trying not to have anyone else do to me again, and now I have her interest in mine and my heart on a temporary lockdown.
It’s not normal.
It’s also stupid as hell.