I tell her she’s fired. She rolls her eyes and gives me the finger.Right to my face.

“Telling the truth is not a fireable offense, but flipping your boss the bird is. I read the employee contract before leaving,” she says. “So, is my firing immediate or once we get home?”

“2050,” I say.

“Do something that makes you smile this weekend, Will,” she says. Then she waves and joins the rank and file customs line.

Aiden and I breeze through VIP customs and are escorted to a waiting car. The driver opens the door. One security guard gets in, then Aiden, then me, and then the final security guy.

I notice a second person in the front seat, right in front of me, and tilt my head toward my brother. “Who’s that?”

“Oh yeah,” he says, “Surprise!”

The hooded head turns to face me.

“Aiden says you’ve been impossible to be around. Thought it would be fun to come and poke the wasp’s nest,” Horse says.

He pulls down his hood, and I do a double take. He’s had a haircut and shaved his beard.

“That is just too creepy,” Aiden says.

“Seriously,” I agree. “Turn around, bro. I can’t look at you.”

Horse drops the vanity mirror and makes faces at himself. “It is weird, isn’t it? I had it done on the flight. I left Vancouver as myself and arrived in Denmark with a plan to assume another man’s identity.”

“Meaning?” I ask, but Aiden taps the driver on his shoulder, interrupting the chance for Horse to reply. “You have the itinerary for the day?”

“Yes, sir. Starting with a breakfast reservation for six at Lækker Mad.”

“Helmets on, boys. Let’s have some fun!” Aiden cheers. He slaps my leg. “We’ll fill you in over breakfast.”

The plan is as brilliant as it is crazy.

“That’s a lot of details,” I say, between bites of the most delicious Æggekage I’ve ever eaten. I’m not sure if the omelet is in fact the best bacon, cheese, and egg I’ve had or if it’s the prospect of pulling off a twin swap with Horse that makes this such a good meal.

“Nobody knows about this other than us? Not even Brian?” I ask.

Both Horse and Aiden level a stare at me. “Mr. By the Book? Are you kidding?”

“Right. Brian would fold like a cheap card table if pressed.” I agree. “I feel bad he’s left out, though.”

“We’ll make it up to him once everyone is back in their rightful trousers.” Aiden laughs.

“What about Virginia?” My abdomen tenses at the thought of having to lie to her, knowing I could never get away with it.

My brothers shake their heads.

Horse speaks first. “For the last three weeks of the tour, no, she cannot know. If Dad’s leftover board appointees were to find out, you’d be stuck in this role until you die.”

“Ha-ha.” I scowl.

“You know he’s right. Wehaveto pull this off. Nobody can know. But for three weeks, you’ll have way more freedom to come and go, to do business as Horse, to see Virginia even if you can’t tell her you’re you.”

I shake my head. “She’ll know. Guaranteed.”

“I agree,” Horse says.

“She won’t,” Aiden argues. “If you swapped clothes, I wouldn’t be able to tell you apart.”