“Sort of. But she has staff who share space out the elevator door on the other side. And who magically appear when she snaps her fingers.”


I chuckle. “No. That would be rude, even for Mom. She rings a bell.”

We reach the day dining room and Virginia does nothing to disguise her reaction as she takes it all in.

Her free hand jumps to her heart and she gasps. “Wow! I’ve never seen anything so stunning … like in a magazine … incredible …”

Aiden gets up in her face, smiling like a goddamned toothpaste actor. “Most handsome. Least photogenic of the Power brothers. Lovely to meet you.” He extends his hand, but Virginia ignores it and looks past him.

“Mrs. Power, your plants. Is that …” She drops my hand and beelines to the side of the room that blocks the outdoor view with inside greenery. “It is! I’ve never seen a desert rose in real life. It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.”

Virginia stands on her toes to see god knows what and says words that make no sense to me.

“Albuca frizzle sizzle? Tweedle dee begonia? Oh my gosh, and a polka dot begonia? Black bat flower! I can’t believe your family. It’s remarkable, Mrs. Power.”

Aiden pats my back. “Good luck with that!”

Mom joins Virginia at the plants. “I am impressed.”

“Holy shit!” all four of us blurt.

“Have you heard of the Shenzhen Nongke orchid?” Mom asks.

“Of course! I mean, yes, yes, I have, Mrs. Power.”

“Would you like to see it?”

“No way. No! Way!You’rethe anonymous buyer? Oh my gosh.” She turns to me and glares, as if I’ve been keeping some state secret from her. “Will, did you know your mom had the Shenzhen Nongke orchid?”

I can’t decipher if Virginia is angry that I didn’t tell her (even though I have no clue what she’s saying) or if she’s ready to jump my boner. What’s clear is she thinks this is pretty fucking amazing.

Mom waves toward my brothers and me as if we’re staff being dismissed, then takes Virginia’s hand and drags her in the direction of her private hallway. “Will doesn’t know a nun’s hood from a dancing lady.”

All I hear is shared laughter before they disappear.

“What the actual fuck just happened?” Horse asks.

“When was the last time you saw Mom laugh? If you don’t marry her, I will,” Brian says.

Aiden repeats, “Good luck with that.”

“So that’s the woman you delivered a box of condoms for?” Brian asks.

“Aiden. Jesus. You told them?”

My three pain-in-the-ass brothers laugh as if I’ve just delivered the funniest damn joke in the world.

“I’ve seen her before,” Horse says. “She works for us, doesn’t she? That will not play well with HR or Legal, Will.”

“Fuck HR and Legal. I don’t care. I’m going to find Virginia. Make sure Mom hasn’t thrown her off the balcony.”

This is not how I expected brunch to go. And I still haven’t eaten. I’m hungry, and now I’m irritated. Not a good combination.

I stop outside Mom’s bedroom. The door is open, and the two women have their backs to me. Virginia is holding the whatever whatever orchid.

“Gorgeous, why have you stopped blooming, hmm? What’s wrong, baby?”