Irest my head against the plush seat of my Gulfstream G650 and close my eyes. I’m so ready for this speaking season to be over. Just one more stop. One more stage. One thousand more wantrepreneurs to inspire.

“Your tonic, Mr. Power,” my flight attendant says.

I nod but don’t open my eyes. “Thanks, Trish.”

The jet bounces, and my hand knows exactly where the glass will be to stabilize it. How many million miles have I traveled in the past decade? I am tired. Sick and tired of being Will Power, motivation fucking guru to the wannabe rich and famous business stars.

I wonder at what point in his career Mick Jagger started to hate touring, singing the same goddamn songs over and over. He had to hate them. God, I’m tired of my spiel.

I raise my arm and wave, eyes still closed since even the sight of this jet bores me. “Savi,” I bark. Yeah, I bark at her, not to be a dick, but to be heard over the thrum of the engines and the white noise in the jet.

“Hey, Will. What do you need?” My executive assistant, stagehand, and right arm sits in the seat across the aisle.

“I need you to check Horse, I mean, Colt’s schedule. If he’s not busy this weekend and next week, get a jet lined up and fly him to Paris. Book him a suite at Le Caprice and extend my stay for an additional seven days.”

Savannah stares at me like I’m speaking freaking Greek.

“Problem?” I ask.

“Um, I have plans next week. I booked the time off, remember?”


“And … I can’t stay in Paris for an extra week.”

“Aaannnddd, I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to find out if my fucking brother can make time in his fucking schedule to spend a week doing fucking company strategy in fucking Paris.”

“Sorry, I thought—”

“You’re not paid to think, Savi. You’re paid to do.” I close my eyes so I won’t see her flip me off. I know she will and am waiting for the day she finally says what she’s actually thinking when I’m being an asshole.

I sip my tonic slowly and focus on the effervescence.

I should apologize.

I turn my head, but Savi is busy texting, no doubt telling her husband that she cannot wait to be done with me. And I am too damn tired to get up, so I text Brian, one of my two younger brothers, the money guy and chief financial officer of our family empire.


Give Savannah a $10,000 bonus.


What did you say now?


Nothing that Legal will care about. I’m just crankier than normal. And she’s done a great job this tour. Can you make it happen?

After a two-minute pause, I receive Brian’s reply.


10K deposited in Savannah’s account.


Staying an extra week in Paris.