“Yes, but not the way you’re thinking.” Will bites his bottom lip.

My belly flips.

He presses his hand to his chest, then slowly runs it down his body toward his zipper, but just before he reaches his belt line, he shoots his arm out, grabs my hips, and pulls me against him.

His fingers tease the zipper on the back of my dress, down a bit, up a bit. Down a bit more, up a little less.

“Will …,” I warn.

“Virginia …,” he mimics my tone.

I try to wiggle free, but he holds me tighter. I can’t say I don’t like it, which makes it even worse.

“We can’t … can we?”

“There is a football field of forest between us and the two old men. Can you hear them talking? No. Can you see them? Again, no.” He tugs my zipper, and I feel the cool air all the way to the top of my bum.

I look around to make sure we are, in fact, well hidden. There’s little chance we’ll be caught, but I can’t make it easy for the man who always gets his way.

“All right … you want to have sex in the wilderness? I’m game, but on one condition.”

“I like your condition,” he says, squeezing one of my butt cheeks.

“The condition is that before you go on tour, we go away for a few days, just the two of us.”

“Dirty weekend away. I like it.” He pulls my dress off my shoulders.

“Yes, but I want it dirty, not just at night, but during the day, too. Three dirty days where we spend time in actual nature and three steamy nights with you at a VRBO in Lily Valley. If you take methere, I’ll let you take mehere.”

Will’s hands release my dress. It floats to the ground with a gentle whoosh.

“Anywhere for and everywhere with you,” he says before his lips crash into mine.

23. Will


Isit at my desk and hit “Send” on an email before putting the computer to sleep.

I love wrapping up my work day while Virginia whispers to the plants in my office. Before I met her, if someone had come in and stolen every single pot during the night, I wouldn’t have even noticed they were gone. I might have wondered why there was more light coming through the window, but the greenery was nothing more or less than executive office staging.

As Virginia lifts a medium-size pot above her head—acalathea roseo-picta, which she’s named Rosy—looking for signs of mites, I picture her holding a baby high in the air, cooing at the child the way she talks to her plant babies, as she calls them.

Virginia is the embodiment of life in all ways, shapes, and forms.

The way she nurtures it.

The way she celebrates it.

The way she saves it.

The way she’s saved me.

I am a different man when I’m with Virginia. I feel like I don’t have to be Will Power, I can just be a relatively normal guy who’s allowed to goof around and make mistakes. To let my guard down around anyone other than my brothers? I’ve never experienced this before. It’s disorienting, but not like a nightmare—more like racing a Maserati in the fog. Exhilarating, if not a touch terrifying.

My breath catches, and I become aware of an ache in my chest. I close my eyes and lean against my chair back, exhaling a long, slow breath.

When I open my eyes, Virginia stands inches from me, concern on her face.