“People, our executive coaching program has a ninety-eight percent success rate. You set a goal that your coach supports, and you will achieve it. The two percent who didn’t hit their targets all have one thing in common: the business targets they were aiming at weren’t theirs. They’d been coerced to shoot higher, but that’s not what the entrepreneur wanted.

“And all of those previously considered failures were female entrepreneurs. Virginia Beach, founder of The Other Side of the Fence, taught me, theformidableWill Power, that my world view was in great need of broadening.”

I signal offstage to let Aiden and Horse know that they’re up. They jog out and move in beside me.

“I’m leaving you in the highly capable hands of my brothers to wrap this up and let you know how to join either our traditional Power Broker coaching program or the beta delivery of our brand new Holistic Power program, designed for entrepreneurs who prioritize life balance over bank balance.”

The crowd is quiet at first. I hear voices repeating “life balance over bank balance” and then one rises above the rest. “Where do I sign up?”

Aiden answers without missing a beat. “Anyone who wants more info about the new program can meet me in the bar once we’re done, and I’ll give you all the details.”

I take Virginia’s hand and lead her offstage to the green room.

“Why didn’t you warn me that you were going to call me onstage?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know I was going to until an hour ago. It was a spontaneous decision. When I thought about inviting up any other woman with you sitting right in front of me, I couldn’t do it.”

“You took a big risk telling everyone that I snuck into your program and then dropped out.”

I shrug. “Maybe. It’s only business.”

“How do you feel, knowing that’s the last time you’ll have to stand onstage?”

“I feel good. But there’s something I feel even better about. Check the secret pocket in the jacket.”

Virginia squints at me.

“The gold business card pocket?”

“In this case, I thinkgolden ticketis appropriate, because I feel like I won the lottery when I chose you from the crowd.”

She pulls out a gold business card. On quick glance, it looks like the same card she used to get into the coaching program. She looks confused and then flips it over and reads it out loud.

“Will Wallace … VP of Miscellaneous Stuff … Lily Valley.”

She looks up at me with her mouth open. Speechless, apparently.

I pull a similar card from my pants pocket. It’s gold with green foil text. I hand it to her. She doesn’t read it out loud, so I do.

“Virginia Beach, The Other Side of the Fence, Lily Valley.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I bought the house,” I say with a nod.

“The house?”

“The house in the town that’s your favorite place on earth.”

“You’re moving to Lily Valley full-time? For real?”

“We’removing to Lily Valley full-time. For real—if that fits into your business development plan.”

“We’re staying in Lily Valley,” she repeats as a tentative statement. “We’re staying in Lily Valley!” she squeals, jumping into my arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you!”

41. Virginia