Page 11 of Critical Witness

“Uhh, Will? I’m going to need your help out here.”

Will frowned toward the living room. Pierce didn’t sound scared. Almost like he was… laughing?

Will took one last glance around the room, his eyes landing on a photo on the table between the two beds. He grabbed it, studying the image. He saw Melanie, obviously younger. Maybe high-school age? Her eyes were bright and her smile spread widely across her face as she grinned into the camera, her arms around two other young women.

He went back into the living room. His eyebrows raised as he found Pierce pointing his gun at a grubby man with a white tank top and more hair on his chest than on his head.

Will reached for his weapon.

“What are you two doing here? Is it that Hannah girl? I knew she was all talk. Acting like she’s better than me. Now she’s what—got the feds after her?”

Will was surprised at the instant disdain he held for the man. “Who are you?”

“Can you put the guns down? This is my place, and you’re trespassing.”

Will nodded to Pierce, who lowered his weapon slightly. “Okay, now. Who are you?”

“I’m Clyde Jones. I own this place.”

Will nearly rolled his eyes at the way the slumlord’s chest puffed out with pride. As though owning this dilapidated hovel was something to brag about.

“What can you tell me about the ladies who live here?”

The sneer on Clyde’s face was immediate. “You gonna pay their overdue rent?” He eyed them up and down. “Little Bonnie Sue thinks she’s too good for me, eh? Maybe you’re not the police. Maybe you’re just Johns and you’re waiting for her to come home. Guess she found a way to earn that rent after all. That’s too bad, I had it all figured out how I was going to make her pay off her late fees.”

Will struggled to keep his temper under control as the man continued to spout his disgusting fantasies about Melanie and her roommate.

Will nodded to Pierce again, who raised his gun at the man.

“Enough! I want to know everything you know about them.”

The landlord was silent for a moment. “Those are some pretty expensive guns you guys got there. I’ll tell you what–you give me the three grand these twoladiesowe me, and I’ll tell you everything I know about them.”

“Or, I could have my friend here put a bullet in every one of your appendages until you tell me what you know.” Will’s voice was ice as he threatened the slumlord.

That put the fear into the skeevy man’s eyes for the first time since Will laid eyes on him. “Whoa, whoa. No need to get hasty. Honestly, I don’t know much. I take their rent, when they’ve got it. The blonde one works nights at a gas station half a mile down. The other one? I don’t know what she does.” He scoffed. “Not much, judging by the rent she pays.”

“How long has Melanie lived here?”

“Melanie? Is that her name? She told me it was Hannah.” Clyde shrugged. “Not the first time. Lot of chicks don’t want to use their real name. Hiding from a boyfriend or whatever.”

“How long?” Will growled.

“I don’t know. A year? Maybe eighteen months. Hard to keep track.”

Will rolled his eyes. The man was scared enough to tell the truth, but apparently didn’t know anything about his tenants.

“Does Melan–” He stopped and corrected himself. “Does she have family? A boyfriend?”

Clyde shrugged before making another lewd comment. Will decided he was done with the despicable man.

“Get out. Now. You never saw us, got it?”

When the landlord didn’t move, Will yelled, “Go before I change my mind and decide to leave no witnesses!”

Apparently, Clyde was smart enough to understand the threat, and his eyes widened. He raised his hands as Pierce raised his gun again. Will could see the safety was still on, but Sweaty McPherson over there was clueless.

He backed out of the apartment, jabbering about being the owner and something about disrespect.