Page 59 of Critical Witness

“He could be in any room on any floor of this hotel, hiding out. Or he could have already gone.”

“Or he could be heading toward the van to ambush us all on our way out.” Tank’s gruff voice.

Will’s entire body stiffened. “Tank?”

“No sign of him. Just a theory.”

Ryder relented. “Fine. Let’s go.”

Hannah grimaced as she turned to follow Will toward the elevators.

His eyebrow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and brought her hand to her back where whatever had hit her ached like she’d been hit with a 90-mph fastball.

Will used his free hand to turn her around. His fingers played with her blouse and she strained to see over her shoulder.

He hissed through his teeth and tugged her blouse out of the waistband of her skirt. “Are you bleeding? You didn’t mention that you gotshot!”

“What? I didn’t get–” He held a squashed looking piece of metal out for her to see.

“Ow,” she said.

“So… she did get shot?” Pierce asked over comms.

“I told you she was tough,” said Tank.

“And I made her run all those stairs,” Ryder mused.

Will pocketed the bullet and cupped her face with his hand. “Your vest took the brunt of it, but I bet it hurts like heck.”

She nodded. “That would be an accurate description, yes. But I’ll take it over a bullet through my spleen,” she said with a smile in an attempt to deflect attention and lighten the mood.

Will’s expression paled. “Don’t joke about stuff like that, okay?”

She nodded, aware of the seriousness of his plea.

“Can you walk?”

“I’m fine. It just feels like…”

“You got hit with a hammer?” supplied someone over the comms. Jackson, maybe?

“A paintball at close range?”

“A hockey puck to the back?”

She giggled at their suggestions. “I was going to say major league fastball, but yeah. All those work too.”

Will instructed her to pull her hair up and gave her his baseball cap to change her appearance slightly.

“Any sign of our guy?” Will asked.

It was Stephen who responded. “Nothing on security. But our friends in local law enforcement have received calls from guests about a gunman on the loose and you’ve got a whole lot of uniforms headed your way.”

“Roger that. Conceal your weapons, fellas, but keep them close.”

Will tucked his handgun in his pocket, his hand on it, while his other arm rested around Hannah’s waist. She leaned into him as they waited for the elevator to arrive.